by squinx | Apr 15, 2021 | Co-Parenting, Coaching for Special Interests, Divorce Coach, Divorce Coach Certification Program, Divorce Coaching Tips, Divorce Legal Options, Divorce Overwhelm, Finances, High Conflict Divorce, Kids and Divorce, New Beginnings, Relationships, Should I or Shouldn't I
Divorce is a complicated process, both logistically and emotionally. Going through a divorce is akin to being tangled up in an unending web of legal, financial and interpersonal relationships. A divorce coach can be a vital tool in reducing and preventing further...
by squinx | Mar 25, 2021 | Co-Parenting, Coaching for Special Interests, Divorce Coach, Divorce Coach Certification Program, Divorce Coaching Tips, Divorce Legal Options, Divorce Overwhelm, Finances, High Conflict Divorce, Kids and Divorce, New Beginnings, Relationships, Should I or Shouldn't I
A divorce coach will listen to you without judgment, without saying whatever they think you want to hear. Their only goal is to support you by understanding, and in turn, helping you understand, what you need and want from the divorce proceedings, why you need/want...
by squinx | Mar 11, 2021 | Co-Parenting, Coaching for Special Interests, Divorce Coach, Divorce Coach Certification Program, Divorce Coaching Tips, Divorce Legal Options, Divorce Overwhelm, High Conflict Divorce, Kids and Divorce
Everyone has heard the phrase, “let them vent, it’s good to get it all out in the open.” According to Dr. Brad J. Bush, “Venting anger is like using gasoline to put out a fire. It just feeds the flame. Venting keeps arousal levels high and...
by squinx | Mar 4, 2021 | Co-Parenting, Coaching for Special Interests, Divorce Coach, Divorce Coach Certification Program, Divorce Coaching Tips, Divorce Legal Options, Divorce Overwhelm, Finances, High Conflict Divorce, Kids and Divorce
Recently one of our CDC® Certified Divorce Coaches, Andrea Hipps, was interviewed on Fox 17 in West Michigan about the challenge of keeping your children your center focus while dealing with the emotional overwhelm of divorce. Divorce introduces a massive change into...
by squinx | Apr 2, 2018 | Coaching for Special Interests, Divorce Coach Certification Program, Divorce Coaching Tips, Divorce Overwhelm, High Conflict Divorce
Your client is making decisions about his or her future. These ABC’s of decision making can put the responsibility for being an empowered client back where it belongs.
by squinx | Oct 26, 2016 | Co-Parenting, Coaching for Special Interests, Divorce Coach, Divorce Overwhelm, High Conflict Divorce, Kids and Divorce, New Beginnings, Should I or Shouldn't I
In Divorce it is easy to get consumed by what I call “The Reptile” – the survival part of our brains that scan for danger multiple times per second and find potential danger lurking behind every interaction. That primitive part of our brain, the reptilian brain,...