Would You Like The Confidence And Know-How To Support Divorcing Clients?

Would You Like The Confidence And Know-How To Support Divorcing Clients?

Over the past 12-plus months, we have seen a lot of evidence that points to a need to help others to be better-equipped, more resilient, and to have a voice in matters that impact them directly. This is certainly true in divorce, but it can all seem overwhelming and...
The Story Of Divorce – Why Venting Has A Negative Impact On Everyone Involved

The Story Of Divorce – Why Venting Has A Negative Impact On Everyone Involved

Everyone has heard the phrase, “let them vent, it’s good to get it all out in the open.”  According to Dr. Brad J. Bush, “Venting anger is like using gasoline to put out a fire.  It just feeds the flame.  Venting keeps arousal levels high and...
Navigating Divorce When Kids Are Involved – Insight From A CDC® Divorce Coach

Navigating Divorce When Kids Are Involved – Insight From A CDC® Divorce Coach

Recently one of our CDC® Certified Divorce Coaches, Andrea Hipps, was interviewed on Fox 17 in West Michigan about the challenge of keeping your children your center focus while dealing with the emotional overwhelm of divorce. Divorce introduces a massive change into...

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