Having A Voice In The Process Is A Major Concern For Divorcing Clients – A Divorce Coach Can Help!

The entire divorce process can be unbelievably overwhelming and devastating to those involved. Other than the death of a loved one, there are few other events as traumatizing or emotional. Couple that with the fact that the client is being bombarded with legal...

Divorce Coaching – Turning A Negative Into A Positive

The past few years have brought about so much change – on both a global and local scale – and it’s easy to look at it through the doomsday lens… especially if you were to believe all of the social and news media. Whatever your personal belief system, whatever...
Divorce Coaches Provide Relief So Clients Can Begin The Work of Divorce

Divorce Coaches Provide Relief So Clients Can Begin The Work of Divorce

Fear and overwhelm are understandable reactions when your world is suddenly turned upside down by divorce. Both can grind a person’s productivity to a halt as paralysis sets in – paralysis which prevents clear thinking, inhibits decisions of any kind, and...
How Can A Divorce Coach Help Guide Their Client In Crafting Their New Post-Divorce Identity?

How Can A Divorce Coach Help Guide Their Client In Crafting Their New Post-Divorce Identity?

Becoming a divorce coach and going through the rigorous training to earn the title of a CDC® Certified Divorce Coach provides many valuable tools which both prepare you for working with individual clients dealing with divorce – before, during and after – and provide...
Take Your Commitment and Impact the Lives of Families and Children, Men and Women – and ultimately the Community

Take Your Commitment and Impact the Lives of Families and Children, Men and Women – and ultimately the Community

Has the pandemic made you yearn for connection and a desire to get out and do something meaningful? When you see the social schisms, are you wondering what you can do to impact what seems like a challenging situation? Divorce Coaching deals with these same issues on a...
Your Divorce Client Wants To Do What?!?

Your Divorce Client Wants To Do What?!?

How To Use Coaching To Help Your Client Shift Focus From The Story of Divorce And Take Control Of Their Own Decision-Making Clients want what they want, and they often want it so fiercely that trying to move them away from their position is like trying to pry a...

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