by squinx | Aug 27, 2020 | Divorce Coach Certification Program, Divorce Coaching Tips
Steve Schleupner, a CDC Certified Divorce Coach®, shares an uplifting client story in this short video. Steve’s client, Mark, came to him facing a trifecta of problems – he had retired, lost his mother, and his fiance’ had left him all within a short...
by squinx | Aug 20, 2020 | Divorce Coaching Tips
If you don’t know already, the CDC® Certification Program is a program that goes well beyond the insightful frameworks assembled from diverse disciplines – from leading edge neuroscience to highly respected conflict practices especially needed in high conflict...
by squinx | Aug 13, 2020 | Divorce Coach Certification Program
It’s a trick question because the answer is there isn’t “one” required background for becoming a divorce coach. Just as every divorce is unique and personal, a divorce coach comes from a variety of backgrounds and perspectives. It doesn’t...
by squinx | Aug 6, 2020 | Divorce Coaching Tips
A CDC® Divorce Coach recognizes that creating a new identity in the divorce process is part of letting go of the past and focusing on the next chapter. They understand that if their client doesn’t take charge of creating their new identity, they’ll be stuck...
by squinx | Jul 30, 2020 | Divorce Coach Certification Program, Divorce Coaching Tips
How can you leverage your strengths to do something you consider meaningful, that will make a difference to and help others? Even if you don’t know exactly what that “something” is, will you know it when you see it? What Are the Dots In Your Life? Let’s...