Divorcing Clients Often Struggle In Crafting A Post-Divorce Identity – A Divorce Coach Can Help!

Divorcing Clients Often Struggle In Crafting A Post-Divorce Identity – A Divorce Coach Can Help!

  Many clients emerge from the divorce now as single head of household and often with the big question: “Who am I now?  I don’t even know who I am after all these years as someone’s wife (or husband), someone’s mother (or father), and someone’s co-signer!” While...
If Divorce Is Hijacking Your Emotions, A Divorce Coach Can Help You Get Back On Track

If Divorce Is Hijacking Your Emotions, A Divorce Coach Can Help You Get Back On Track

Divorce is a complicated process, both logistically and emotionally. Going through a divorce is akin to being tangled up in an unending web of legal, financial and interpersonal relationships. A divorce coach can be a vital tool in reducing and preventing further...

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