Real-Life Divorce Coaching Examples
Maybe you are wondering how divorce coaching might relate to what you do and to your experience!
We have just created a brand-new live webinar to deepen your understanding of how divorce coaching works! We will also give you the opportunity to test your coaching awareness by exploring several examples of divorce coaching engagements. In presenting the basic scenario, we will invite you to suggest how the coach might have worked with the client. Here are some of the issues these clients might be dealing with:
- Being emotionally tethered to having only THIS house;
- Overcoming the hostility of his wife and keeping his son out of the middle;
- Dealing with the possible termination of the engagement in collaborative divorce due to an impasse;
- Supporting a client starting with the first threat of divorce through starting the next chapter! and
- Avoiding the same mistake leading to divorce again.
- And more….

There is never “THE ONE WAY” to handle an obstacle in the pathway through divorce. The background and experience of the coach coupled with the clarity of the client about how they define their needs and wants, contributes significantly to the direction that the conversation takes.
Join us for these 60 minutes of real-live divorce coaching examples to deepen your understanding of what divorce coaching is and how the practical application of coaching techniques impacts the clients experience of the roller-coaster of emotion, many areas of change, and a legal process, all at the same time!