Getting More Visibility and Referrals for Divorce Coaching The Easy and Natural Way
Very few enjoy the prospect of convincing others to hire them. Fewer are successful at doing that.
We are going to show you an easy and natural way to become visible among those who serve people in divorce; and get more clients referred to you in the process.

This webinar is for you if:
- Hate the idea of selling yourself and your services – especially when many you meet don’t have any idea what you do as a Divorce Coach!
- Sweat bullets in meetings where you have to explain what you do to people who are well-established in the field of Divorce.
- Procrastinate like crazy knowing that you have to call to set up appointments with professionals in the community who seem to control everything related to divorce!
- Don’t know what to say to people who are experts in what they do for clients who are divorcing and you are afraid of coming across as unprofessional.
What you will take away from this webinar:
- A shift in the way you view the whole idea of marketing your services
- 4 questions to ask other professionals to make it worth their time with you.
- An easy and natural; way to tap into the relationships you already have to get more clients; and
- Confidence in sharing what you do with others professionals.
When you meet individuals, who are struggling with their divorce, you want to provide the kind of support they really need – good solid practical support that keeps them focused forward and helps them to participate more effectively in the divorce process. Divorce Coaching is all about helping the client to move forward, take the high road, and make the best possible decisions for their future based on their wants, needs and concerns.