For the past 10 years, the CDC Certified Divorce Coach® program has been supporting committed individuals to develop confidence and know-how in divorce coaching. What they have found is that divorce coaching is an innovative approach, a dispute resolution process, which supports individuals and families in ways that move them away from the high conflict behavior towards the more amicable approach to divorce.
Divorce Coaching is not a stand-alone dispute resolution process – it pairs well with and adds value to the other recognized divorce processes: litigation, mediation, and collaborative divorce. As a Divorce Coach, you can help your client move their thinking away from the destructive “winner takes all” approach to an approach that restores dignity and confidence in working with the process.
This is the magic of divorce coaching – and the effectiveness of your ability to do this comes from a combination of divorce coaching competencies, new ways of helping your client lay the foundation for better decision-making and better engagement not only with their spouse but also with all of the professionals they rely on for advice during the whole transition from married to the single head of a new household. And Divorce Coaching helps the client make an internal shift which brings them back to the basics of what it is to be human and to be proud of how they handled a difficult situation.
But these skills aren’t enough – you also have to be confident in knowing where to start in building your client engagement and how to win their trust early in the process. This is where the Bonus Program for Getting More Clients for Divorce Coaching supports your ability to excel at your new commitment to change the experience of divorce for individuals and families.
This Bonus Program, which is included in the Certified Divorce Coach Training when you register no later than Sunday, March 21, starts on Monday, March 22 at 8 pm ET or on Thursday, March 25th at 9 am EDT and provides four 90-minute live sessions where you will roll up your sleeves as create the framework for attracting clients to you. You’ll also receive valuable online course materials you can keep returning to as you continue to build your coaching practice.
The combination of solid divorce coaching skills and knowing how to engage with prospective clients in a way that creates an immediate rapport will put you head and shoulders above those with no or limited live practice in these important skills. The whole Divorce Coaching program is based on 95 hours of live interactive training and practicing, plus online resources and practice-building activities in the company of highly motivated individuals from a variety of impressive backgrounds that also create a community that supports CDC Certified Coaches well after the training is over and into their work with divorcing clients.
If you’re considering becoming a CDC® Certified Divorce Coach, you should attend one of our series of mini-training webinars for those who would like to explore more about how divorce coaching plays out in real life. Our next one is on Wednesday, March 24th, and is Real-Life Divorce Coaching Examples.
To find out more about becoming a CDC Certified Divorce Coach® visit us at: https://certifieddivorcecoach.com/looking-for-divorce-coach-training/ or schedule a call with one of the co-founders today.
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