Divorce Coach Stories – Helping A Client Craft Their Vision Of A Future After Divorce
In this video, Angela Shanerman, a CDC Certified Divorce Coach®gives insight into how she was able to help one of her clients who was struggling with his vision of what he wanted for himself and his two boys during and after the process of divorce. Working with...
Finding Your Why (Your Purpose)
Knowing your why is an important first step in figuring out how to achieve the goals that excite you and create a life you enjoy living (versus merely surviving!)

Turning the Story of Divorce into Better Decision-Making for the Business of Divorce
How do you, as a divorce coach, move from the never-ending story your client tells you about their betrayal, anger, and hurt due to divorce to the exploration of important decisions in a respectful way?

The Impact Of The Divorce Story On Both The Client And The Listener
When someone is starting or going through the divorce process, they are often overwhelmed by the emotional stress involved with their relationship ending. As a divorce coach, it’s up to you to interrupt the story while still honoring and validating the person telling it.