One thing they all have in common? They are passionate about helping people and making a difference in their lives by helping them through get through one of the most traumatic events a person can go through.
Becoming a divorce coach is one of the most fulfilling and satisfying career paths you can embark on. If your single most important goal is to support people going through a divorce in not only making their own decisions but making the best possible decisions they can for themselves, their family, and their future, then becoming a CDC Certified Divorce Coach® might be for you.
German philosopher Frederick Nietzsche once said, ‘He who has a why can endure any how.’ Knowing your why is an important first step in figuring out how to achieve the goals that excite you and create a life you enjoy living (versus merely surviving!). Indeed, only when you know your ‘why’ will you find the courage to take the risks needed to get ahead, stay motivated when the chips are down, and move your life onto an entirely new, more challenging, and more rewarding trajectory.
We invite you to explore OUR WHY: To change the experience of divorce for individuals and families by becoming a CDC Certified Divorce Coach®. Find out more about divorce coaching – what it is, why clients value it, and how it can impact decision making during divorce. Leverage your experience to make a bigger difference for those going through divorce.
Why not take the first step toward having a new set of skills and a new way to generate income in a more satisfying and fulfilling way? Don’t you deserve that? This isn’t for everyone, so why don’t you explore the details of the course and then you can decide. What new actions will you take in the new year?
Whatever you decide, we here at CDC Certified Divorce Coach® wish you the very best in 2022.
If you’re interested in learning more about becoming a CDC® Certified Divorce Coach, you should attend one of our series of mini-training webinars for those who would like to explore more about how divorce coaching plays out in real life. Our next one is on Monday, January 3rd, and is Making Better Decisions – Being a More Credible Client.
To find out more about becoming a CDC Certified Divorce Coach® visit this page for more information or schedule a call with one of the co-founders today.
Transforming Lives After Divorce—Is Coaching Your Calling?
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