A CDC Certified Divorce Coach® helps the individual caught in the overwhelm of divorce to make the best decisions possible for their future based on their own unique wants, needs, and concerns.

A CDC Certified Divorce Coach® can also help a client who hasn’t yet decided to divorce, who is grappling with the “should I or shouldn’t I” question, to understand the impact of divorce on all aspects of their life – approaching divorce from an “eyes wide open” standpoint to determine if the tradeoffs and consequences of divorce are the best decision for them and their family.

If you have a passion for helping people forge their own path and overcome the overwhelm and devastation of the divorce process to emerge on the other side looking towards a brighter future, then divorce coaching might just be what you’ve been looking for.

Whether you’re looking to start a new career or add to your existing client offerings, here are 7 reasons divorce coaching might just be for you:

  1. From the time you join the program and all through your journey into and through your new career, you are not alone – you’ll have a community of peers, instructors, and tools available to help you every step of the way.
  2. During your training you’ll learn business building, real-life scenarios, coaching practice – this program is a solid framework with a trademarked certification specifically designed to instill best practices and proven methods to help you thrive working with individuals in the most challenging of circumstances who are stressed and overwhelmed.
  3. Personal Divorce Coaching fills a gap and works in a very practical AND transformative way with individual clients. The roll-up-your-sleeves kind of work that a CDC Certified Divorce Coach® does helps the client in ways that are different from a Therapist, a Mediator, and an Attorney, and complements their work in helping the client to make the best decisions for their future.
  4. In 16 weeks, you will have the skills, structure and know-how to make a profound difference in the lives of individuals and families by showing them a better way to go through divorce!
  5. We are dedicated to helping you find the fastest way to develop the deep know-how and confidence to serve divorcing clients in a way that no other professional is trained to do.
  6. CDC offers dual certifications – CDC Certified Divorce Coach® and CDC Divorce Transition and Recovery Coach® in one comprehensive course.
  7. The CDC® Certification Program is a program that goes well beyond the insightful frameworks assembled from diverse disciplines – from leading edge neuroscience to highly respected conflict practices especially needed in high conflict and high stress situations.

CDC Certified Divorce Coaches® know and understand first-hand the impact that divorce can have on individuals and families. They bring compassion and confidence into their coaching and enable their clients to focus on the business part of divorce rather than become overwhelmed at the emotional aspect of the process. CDC Certified Divorce Coaches® help their clients learn to make better decisions from the very beginning of the process, to avoid the biggest mistakes in divorce, and to be confident that they have a thinking partner throughout the whole process, so they don’t have to struggle alone!

Registration begins March 1, 2021 for our next CDC® Certified Divorce Coach and CDC the Divorce Transition and Recovery Coach® Training and Certifications which starts May 4/5, 2021 through August 19/20, 2021. Don’t miss the Early Registration Deadline of March 19th to qualify for The Getting More Clients for Divorce Coaching Free Bonus Program.


To find out more about becoming a CDC Certified Divorce Coach® visit us at: https://certifieddivorcecoach.com/looking-for-divorce-coach-training/ or schedule a call with one of the co-founders today.

If you’re considering becoming a CDC® Certified Divorce Coach, you should attend one of our series of mini-training webinars for those who would like to explore more about how divorce coaching plays out in real life. Our next one is on Wednesday, March 3rd, and is ” Making Better Decisions – Being a More Credible Client”.

The Vital Role of Training in Divorce Coaching

The Vital Role of Training in Divorce Coaching

In 2011, the CDC Certified Divorce Coach® program established a groundbreaking profession rooted in best practices, personal excellence, and a deep commitment to supporting clients through divorce. This became, “The Professional Standard for Personal Divorce...

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