Divorce often has a far-reaching negative impact. And we are here to show you that it doesn’t have to be that way! When you meet individuals, who are struggling with their divorce, you want to provide the kind of support they really need – good solid practical support that keeps them focused forward and helps them to participate more effectively in the divorce process.
The CDC® Certified Divorce Coach training program certifies divorce coaches from all over the world, from every walk of life, and they all have one common underlying focus for becoming a divorce coach – helping those going through divorce to not only survive the process but thrive once the dust has cleared.
Here are 6 highly motivating reasons for becoming a CDC® Certified Divorce Coach, including:
- Feeling fulfilled by the work you do;
- Transforming the lives of individuals and families in the divorce process;
- Leveraging the personal or professional experience you have in divorce to make a difference or give back;
- Guiding the client to increase the probability for a favorable outcome;
- Helping divorcing individuals to come out whole on the other side; and
- Developing strategies for a better work-life balance.
Our International Divorce Coach Certification Program consists of a team of respected professionals, including a Family Attorney, Family Mediator, CFP®/CDFA™, Therapist, Parenting Coordinator/Child Psychologist and Certified Coach. You couldn’t be in better hands as you get the tools, training, and experience to add divorce coach into your existing skill set.
Think about your life experience. You have skills already. You have accomplished much in life, and you are wise about matters unique to your background. Maybe it’s time to turn it into a fulfilling career and create a legacy of great work for yourself and for families everywhere!
Whether you’re a mental health professional, a family or collaborative attorney, a family mediator, a divorce financial professional, a coach, or a stay-at-home – whether you’ve been through a divorce yourself or just know others who have … no matter where you’re coming from or where you’ve been, becoming a divorce coach might just be what you’ve been searching for all this time.
During the CDC® Training program, you’ll be part of a community that is going to support you all along the way – from your instructors to your mentor coach to your peer coach. And afterwards you have a whole community of coaches that are there for ideas, resources, collaborations, and all-around support for each other.
Over the next few weeks, we will once again offer some of our best, live webinar topics that anyone interested in learning more about becoming a divorce coach can attend for free. Divorce Coaching is all about helping the client to move forward, take the high road, and make the best possible decisions for their future based on their wants, needs and concerns.
Each of these free training webinars takes rich material from our CDC® Divorce Coach Training Intensive Certification Program to help you to support your individual divorce clients in becoming clients who are heard and can speak to their needs effectively. And in the process, you will understand how satisfying and beneficial divorce coaching can be for your clients and your practice! Our next one is on Wednesday, October 13th and is Real-Life Divorce Coaching Examples. We’d love to have you join us.
To find out more about becoming a CDC Certified Divorce Coach® visit this page for more information or schedule a call with one of the co-founders today.
Transforming Lives After Divorce—Is Coaching Your Calling?
Is there a specific background required to become a divorce coach? The answer is no—there isn’t just one path. Just as every divorce is unique, professionals from various backgrounds can bring valuable perspectives to the role. Whether you are a: Mental Health...
The Vital Role of Training in Divorce Coaching
In 2011, the CDC Certified Divorce Coach® program established a groundbreaking profession rooted in best practices, personal excellence, and a deep commitment to supporting clients through divorce. This became, “The Professional Standard for Personal Divorce...
A Healthier Divorce Experience: Why Hiring a Divorce Coach Matters
Divorce is a legal process primarily aimed at dividing marital property, assets, and debts while establishing custody, visitation, and child support arrangements for children of the marriage. However, the legal aspect is just one part of the journey. Adding a CDC...