woman walking on a straight clear path
The CDC Certified Divorce Coach® Program is a comprehensive training and certification program. Certified means that it is a privately regulated certification, and the regulations are filed with the federal governments of the U.S., Canada, and the U.K. to establish The Professional Standard for Personal Divorce Coaching®. Comprehensive means that the coaching skills (competencies), structures, and tools that you will learn in the program are all designed to be of maximum value to someone going through the divorce process.

Here are 3 reasons the CDC® Certification is the professional standard for divorce coaching:

  • In-Depth Training: There are 90 hours of live interactive Zoom based classes with live coaching practice and feedback. In addition to the classroom participation, we also have a mentor program and peer coaching, additional coaching practice and feedback to enhance your coaching presence in your relationship with clients.
  • A Program with tools and structures for your Divorce Clients: Helping them to find their clarity and confidence in understanding how divorce impacts every aspect of their life – having their eyes wide open pre-divorce, during divorce and in the divorce transition and recovery period.
  • The Divorce Coaching Competency™ training is contained in the Certified Divorce Coach® training program, which is approved by the International Coach Federation (ICF) for 90 Continuing Coach Education (CCE) units.

Upon completion of the Certified Divorce Coach® training, which includes the Divorce Coaching Competency™ training, you can complete the application for the CDC Certified Divorce Coach®, a federally registered certification mark, registered in the U.S., Canada, and in the U.K., which provides assurance for clients that the CDC Certified Divorce Coach® certification represents the best in personal divorce coaching, speaks to your credibility as a personal divorce coach, and differentiates you from others calling themselves divorce coaches. Included in the certification and training are the CDC® Code of Ethics and Professional Standards, models, assessments, exercises to support client decision making, ongoing continuing education, and mentorship for all CDC® Certified Divorce Coaches.

Another area where the CDC® program shines is after certification. Once you’ve finished the program you are not left to be on your own. You are joining a family of CDC® coaches so when you need help with something you will have access to our online community of coaches to get that support. And you will have ongoing access to the founders and online resources for as long as you maintain your certification. Some CDC Certified Divorce Coaches have gone on to specialize in certain areas of divorce coaching, for example, in High Conflict, Divorce Recovery, Co-Parenting, and Amicable Divorce, and we offer ongoing training in specialty areas for our CDC® coaches.

If you’re interested in learning more not only about the program itself but about how and why divorce coaching can have such a positive impact on people’s lives, visit our video page. Here you’ll find CDC® coach videos which reveal a number of very moving stories which reinforce the real value of divorce coaching. Some of the outcomes include things like retaining custody, creating a new future, getting through divorce faster, clients leading their best life after divorce, creating a workable parenting plan, and so much more.

Registration begins November 1, 2022, for our next CDC® Certified Divorce Coach Training and Certifications which starts January 10/11, 2023, through March 30/31, 2023. Don’t miss the Early Registration Deadline of November 13th to qualify for The Getting More Clients for Divorce Coaching Free Bonus Program.

If you’d like to learn more, join us for our next planned webinar, which is on Friday, October 28th – the topic is “Empowering Clients Through Traumatic Events.”

Find out more information and reserve your spot here:

Explore what becoming a CDC® Certified Divorce Coach could mean to you by looking at the information on the website.

Then set up a one-on-one call with one of the co-founders of the Divorce Coaching Intensive to have all your questions answered. We are happy to help you sort out whether this choice is likely to help you meet your professional and personal repurposing needs.

Divorce Coaching: A Universal Need

Divorce Coaching: A Universal Need

In 2011, CDC Certified Divorce Coach® pioneered a new profession, grounded in best practices, personal excellence, and a commitment to seeing the best in our clients. This was done to guide them in finding the answers they seek. The Certified Divorce Coach® Training...

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