Becoming a divorce coach and going through the rigorous training to earn the title of a CDC Certified Divorce Coach® provides many valuable tools which both prepare you for working with individual clients dealing with divorce – before, during and after – and provide the space for you to discover many ways to bounce back from divorce.
If you are feeling that right now you are walking in quicksand, our self-discovery exercises help you to rediscover the strengths you have always had, the personal attributes that have helped you to overcome other insurmountable challenges, and the courage to step outside of your comfort zone to re-engage with your community.
Or you may be feeling the emptiness that many of us who have kept our nose to the grindstone for a long time have experienced, trying to balance the demands of a growing family with the sometimes-overwhelming demands of the workplace. Your time is not yours and the rewards once so important have either dried up or have become much less meaningful.
When you jump into our very non-judgmental learning environment and dig into the many disciplines required to be an effective divorce coach, our live online classes twice a week bring connections that re-light the fire and delight the exploration of different perspectives. We help you to get your feet planted firmly under you again, and to ignite your curiosity.
You may embrace the opportunity to learn more about turning high-conflict situations into more amicable interactions so that you can master that in your own healing and in turn help your clients to put down their defensive shields and feel the relief.
Or discover the ability to recognize your own automatic reactions and to manage those responses and model the same behaviors with your clients.
Almost all participants in the CDC Divorce Coach® Training are surprised by the amount of personal growth they experience in addition to learning to trust themselves to help clients through their most difficult time with a new lease on life!
It is not your client’s fault that their thinking is in chaos. Since being blindsided by divorce, their thoughts are all about their concerns, fears, uncertainties, maybe even denial that this is really happening. Many of those concerns are the everyday nitty-gritty issues perched on their front porch; and not even the really big decisions that they will be making down the road.
There are a hundred decisions every day which drain your client’s energy and diminish their problem-solving skills. The part of the brain that is now in charge is the reptilian brain, the one which takes care of survival! Fight or flight – making knee-jerk reactions every day so that your client can keep doing what needs to be done to get through. The big missing piece here is any connection to the creative, logical, problem-solving brain – the part of the brain that deliberates and takes a little time to weigh the pro’s and con’s or to look at something from different perspectives. The reptilian brain wants speed and doesn’t want to be hampered by that slow problem-solving brain and so it just cuts off access. After all, this is all about survival!
A CDC Certified Divorce Coach® is trained in managing the reptilian brain and helping the client settle the reptile down and create a less threatening environment – someplace familiar where the client can get their wits about them and begin to remember who they are when they’re at their best.
Our next class starts in less than a month. We have people attending from around the world. Classes are taught in English and are accessible from wherever there is a reliable internet connection. We use Zoom for live classes and an online learning platform to deliver the course content. A Mentor Program and Peer Coaching are also included, along with two other bonus programs that help you to develop the foundations of your divorce coaching practice.
There are many imitators in divorce coach training, but none who actually offer a regulated certification like the CDC Board of Standards®! Come find out what makes us different!
Want a taste of what is covered in the program? Join us for our free Divorce Masterclass to experience the interactive live training that is unique to this divorce coach training program. Find out more information here: https://certifieddivorcecoach.com/free-webinars/
Explore what becoming a CDC Certified Divorce Coach® could mean to you by looking at the information on the website: https://certifieddivorcecoach.com/looking-for-divorce-coach-training/. Then set up a one-on-one call with one of the co-founders of the Divorce Coaching Intensive to have all your questions answered. We are happy to help you sort out whether this choice is likely to help you meet your professional and personal repurposing needs.
#CDCDivorceCoach #divorcecoach
If you’re considering becoming a CDC® Certified Divorce Coach, you should attend our free 6-part Masterclass Sessions for those who would like to explore more about how divorce coaching plays out in real life.
Find out more information and reserve your spot here:
Explore what becoming a CDC® Certified Divorce Coach could mean to you by looking at the information on the website.
Then set up a one-on-one call with one of the co-founders of the Divorce Coaching Intensive to have all your questions answered. We are happy to help you sort out whether this choice is likely to help you meet your professional and personal repurposing needs.
Discover the Impact of a CDC Divorce Coach® – Join Our Free Upcoming Masterclass Sessions!
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The Positive Impact of Divorce Coaching on Families
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