People often mistakenly refer to Divorce Coaching in general as a niche – when it is really Specialty Coaching. Perhaps from a 30,000 foot level it is like a niche – as it focuses on a specific problem experienced by a defined segment of the population. But when we drill down on who gets divorced and what their biggest challenges are, we can see that there are some distinct differences between their needs.

The secret to becoming a successful CDC Certified Divorce Coach® is finding the right niche for you. That requires that you really understand the niche challenges and can help the individuals in that niche get the results they want.

Here are two examples to illustrate –

* A father or mother divorcing with young children

* A mature woman divorcing after a long marriage

Certainly there are many overlapping concerns among these examples, such as assembling the right divorce support team to support, getting organized for the process, or deciding what’s most needed for the next chapter and being able to articulate those needs clearly. However there are also unique needs for each of these.

For example, when talking to a father with young children, the father’s challenge might be feeling prepared to take care of a young child when the child is cranky and sick; or dealing with a co-parent who feels they are the only one who is really able to provide the kinds of attention the child needs; or knowing how to make holidays meaningful to the kids.

A mother with young children may have a totally different set of challenges – like letting go of what happens in the other household; or trying to keep track of the children’s favorite things as they move back and forth between households; or feeling lonely when the children are spending time with the other parent.

A mature women has none of those concerns but may be worried about how she is going to survive on her own, not knowing who she is without her husband, and fearful of taking over many of the jobs her husband managed in their household – from finances to home repair, as an example.

Each of these specific niches requires a different understanding of the challenges and a different response in helping the client find a solution. The difference will also require different referrals to be made – attorneys who focus on children first, or expert litigators who can deal effectively with high conflict divorce; or therapists who specialize in personality disorders or addictions; or a knowledge of community resources which might be available to support people in transitions.

When you can be seen as the go-to person for helping individuals with these problems, people who know you will understand who they should refer to you; clients will see immediately why they need to work with you; and you will have that aura of confidence that will attract not only people who are part of this specific niche, but also those who recognize that they aren’t but want to work with someone as confident as you!

Learn more about our CDC Certified Divorce Coach® program or schedule a call with us today.

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