by squinx | Jun 3, 2021 | Co-Parenting, Coaching for Special Interests, Divorce Coach, Divorce Coach Certification Program, Divorce Coaching Tips, Divorce Legal Options, Divorce Overwhelm, High Conflict Divorce, Kids and Divorce, New Beginnings, Relationships, Should I or Shouldn't I
How To Use Coaching To Help Your Client Shift Focus From The Story of Divorce And Take Control Of Their Own Decision-Making Clients want what they want, and they often want it so fiercely that trying to move them away from their position is like trying to pry a...
by squinx | May 6, 2021 | Coaching for Special Interests, Divorce Coach, Divorce Coach Certification Program, Divorce Coaching Tips, Divorce Overwhelm
We all know divorce can be an excruciatingly intense emotional period for those going through it. But we sometimes forget that it can be as emotionally draining for the divorce coach (and the other professionals on the support team) as it is for the client. Burnout is...
by squinx | Apr 1, 2021 | Coaching for Special Interests, Divorce Coach, Divorce Coach Certification Program, Divorce Coaching Tips, New Beginnings
In this short video CDC Certified Divorce Coach® Susan Kiernan shares her experience with the CDC certification program and why she chose to go through it. Susan explains how she went from nurse and yoga instructor to divorce coach after going through a very difficult...
by squinx | Mar 25, 2021 | Co-Parenting, Coaching for Special Interests, Divorce Coach, Divorce Coach Certification Program, Divorce Coaching Tips, Divorce Legal Options, Divorce Overwhelm, Finances, High Conflict Divorce, Kids and Divorce, New Beginnings, Relationships, Should I or Shouldn't I
A divorce coach will listen to you without judgment, without saying whatever they think you want to hear. Their only goal is to support you by understanding, and in turn, helping you understand, what you need and want from the divorce proceedings, why you need/want...
by squinx | Feb 25, 2021 | Divorce Coach Certification Program
A CDC Certified Divorce Coach® helps the individual caught in the overwhelm of divorce to make the best decisions possible for their future based on their own unique wants, needs, and concerns. A CDC Certified Divorce Coach® can also help a client who hasn’t yet...