Statistically in America about two divorces per minute happen – every single minute of every single day. That’s an incredible amount of people – adults and children – facing a difficult time. And the effects of divorce ripple out from there to extended family, friends, and the community.
It’s no big surprise that how the children handle the divorce depends largely upon how the parents handle the divorce. Whether the process is congenial or combative, Andrea reminds us that research shows children need three things above all others during this time:
- The parents love and affection;
- The parents handling their stress well;
- The parents having a healthy relationship with each other.
During the pressure-cooker process that is divorce, it can be easy to lose sight of these three basic needs. There are a hundred decisions everyday which can drain your energy and diminish your problem-solving skills. The part of the brain that is now in charge is the reptilian brain, the one which takes care of survival – fight or flight!
A CDC Certified Divorce Coach® is trained in managing the reptilian brain and helping their client settle the reptile down and create a less threatening environment – someplace familiar where the client can get their wits about them and begin to remember who they are when they’re at their best.
CDC® Certified Divorce Coaches are trained to work with clients in even the most trying of circumstances, supporting them in their journey to be the best version of themselves possible, championing their strengths, and putting them back in touch with those values which support them in making the best decisions for their particular interests, needs and concerns and most importantly, make the best future possible for their children.
If you’re considering becoming a CDC® Certified Divorce Coach, you should attend one of our series of mini-training webinars for those who would like to explore more about how divorce coaching plays out in real life.
Our next one is on Wednesday, March 10th, and is “Helping Your Clients Avoid the Six Biggest Mistakes in Divorce”.
To find out more about becoming a CDC Certified Divorce Coach® visit us at: or schedule a call with one of the co-founders today.
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