You may have asked yourself or others the question: “Is this a viable business?”.

My Answer

I am now in my 15th year of running a full-time coaching practice. I transitioned from the corporate world, being employed by a company, enjoying the benefits and a regular paycheck, and having some amount of control over what I did. And less control over who they would choose to let go or downsize when business didn’t go according to plan.

I have been self-employed since 2003 and haven’t looked back for a moment.

Transitions like this are never easy. And the rewards can far outweigh the work it takes to get there. Creating a Divorce Coaching practice is no different. When you have your vision, and are compelled to do what you do for reasons bigger than yourself; when you are willing to do what it takes (within legal and ethical bounds) to serve the clients you have identified as your “ideal” client; when you see the difference you make with each and every client and the others who depend on them, it makes it all worth the effort. 

You must ask yourself these questions to determine if this is a viable business for you.

  1. What is motivating me to choose this path?
  2. How will I leverage my strengths to make this happen?
  3. Who can I count on to do the things that I am not so good at?
  4. What allies do I have to support my taking this from idea to successful practice?

Training can make all the difference!

In the CDC Certified Divorce Coach Program, we help you develop the confidence and know-how to deal with many different concerns that divorce clients will bring to you. We provide you with a toolkit to support you in serving clients and building a practice.

Divorce Coaching is a personal service business, meaning that who you show up as in the divorce coaching practice has a lot to do with your success. We work with you to develop your coaching presence, so you show up as a great coach and an effective communicator. You also learn the best practices for developing a coaching practice. 

When you complete your training program, you have a vibrant and engaged community surrounding you!

We have a stake in your success!

We have free continuing education programs monthly following certification. We organize collaborative efforts to help you market your own practice. And we are available to counsel you on working with your clients, especially for the first few clients.

Your success is our success. We cannot be successful unless we provide you with the know-how and resources to grow and develop a coaching practice that meets your definition of a viable practice!

One Week Left to Take Advantage of this Free 6 Hours Training and Take-away Tools

New for the first time – a Bonus Pre-Course Webinar Series – Getting Clients for Divorce Coaching

Register for our Divorce Coaching Intensive Program by Friday July 20th and be eligible for this early-enrollment bonus program. Click here for more information including times and dates and times for the four separate 90-minute webinars, accessible from anywhere you access the internet. 

Click here to access our online calendar where you can choose the best day and time for you to set up a one-on-one call to have all your questions about the Bonus and the Certification Program answered. 

A Path to Stability: How Divorce Coaches Help Clients Thrive

A Path to Stability: How Divorce Coaches Help Clients Thrive

Divorce often shifts our focus outward—on the actions or inactions of our partner. However, in coaching, the spotlight turns inward. Clients learn to focus on their own actions, as these are the only elements they can truly control. By shifting their mindset, they can...

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