woman walking on a straight clear path

Are you wondering how divorce coaching might relate to what you do and to your experience? You’re not alone – this is one of the most-asked questions we receive here at CDC® Certified Divorce Coach. To help answer this question, co-Founder Pegotty Cooper created a mini-training event called, “Real-Life Divorce Coaching Examples.” There was so much interest, and so many questions, that it has now evolved into a two-part mini training!

Over the last ten-plus years, CDC® has certified a significant number of mediators, attorneys, and therapists as personal divorce coaches. We also find that real estate and financial professionals who complete the CDC Certified Divorce Coach® Program also develop great confidence in helping divorcing clients communicate more effectively so that decisions can be made, and the clients can understand the impact of their decisions on their assets.

And we’ve heard hundreds of stories/examples of how the program has helped them shift their perspective and evolve their practice in order to help their clients discover clarity and confidence in dealing with the divorce process in a way that lets them focus on their future and make the best decisions for themselves and their family.

Join us over the next few weeks to deepen your understanding of how divorce coaching works! We will also give you the opportunity to test your coaching awareness by exploring several examples of divorce coaching engagements. In presenting the basic scenario, we will invite you to suggest how the coach might have worked with the client. Here are some of the issues these clients might be dealing with:

  • Being emotionally tethered to having only THIS house;
  • Overcoming the hostility of his wife and keeping his son out of the middle;
  • Dealing with the possible termination of the engagement in collaborative divorce due to an impasse;
  • Supporting a client starting with the first threat of divorce through starting the next chapter! and
  • Avoiding the same mistake leading to divorce again.
  • And more….

We will look at the outcomes from the coaching based on the results the coach achieved and we will hear in the client’s words just what that meant for them in this experience.

There is never “THE ONE WAY” to handle an obstacle in the pathway through divorce. The background and experience of the coach coupled with the clarity of the client about how they define their needs and wants, contributes significantly to the direction that the conversation takes.

CDC® Certified Divorce Coach invites you to deepen your understanding of what divorce coaching is and how the practical application of coaching techniques impacts the clients experience of the roller-coaster of emotion, many areas of change, and a legal process, all at the same time!

A CDC® Certified Divorce Coach is someone the client can talk to about making decisions, getting organized, finding the experts they need, and being the best parent they can be through the process, plus helping the client with any of the other rough spots they encounter along the way. A divorce coach listens to what is important to their client and asks questions to help them gain the confidence and courage to go the distance and be proud of how they dealt with such a difficult situation. Discover what tools are available in the Certified Divorce Coach® Training to help clients transform the impossible to the possible.


Becoming a divorce coach is one of the most fulfilling and satisfying career paths you can embark on. If your single most important goal is to support people going through a divorce in not only making their own decisions but making the best possible decisions they can for themselves, their family, and their future – then becoming a CDC Certified Divorce Coach® might be for you.

Our next CDC® Certified Divorce Coach Training and Certifications starts January 10/11, 2023, and runs through March 30/31, 2023.

As our special gift to you, we’re extending the deadline to register and still receive access to the bonus program, Getting Clients for Divorce Coaching,” from December 15th to December 19th!

If you’re considering becoming a CDC® Certified Divorce Coach, you should attend one of our series of mini-training webinars for those who would like to explore more about how divorce coaching plays out in real life. Our next two mini-trainings are about “Real-Life Divorce Coaching Examples.”

Find out more information and reserve your spot here:

Explore what becoming a CDC® Certified Divorce Coach could mean to you by looking at the information on the website.

Then set up a one-on-one call with one of the co-founders of the Divorce Coaching Intensive to have all your questions answered. We are happy to help you sort out whether this choice is likely to help you meet your professional and personal repurposing needs.

The Vital Role of Training in Divorce Coaching

The Vital Role of Training in Divorce Coaching

In 2011, the CDC Certified Divorce Coach® program established a groundbreaking profession rooted in best practices, personal excellence, and a deep commitment to supporting clients through divorce. This became, “The Professional Standard for Personal Divorce...

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