There is a Better Way to support clients going through Divorce!

Leverage your Personal or Professional Experience to Become a CDC Certified Divorce Coach®

14 Coaches Share Their Experience

We have hundreds of coaches certified by the CDC Board of Standards®.
Here are several divorce coaches sharing some of their experiences with clients.

Become Credentialled as a CDC Certified Divorce Coach®

MORE CREDIBILITY for YOU! This is the ONLY Certified Divorce Coach® Program. The CDC® certification marks are recognized in multiple countries, and we train coaches throughout North America and all around the world. This is the only Divorce Coach certification anywhere in the world and is The Professional Standard for Personal Divorce Coaching™. This program prepares you to have a new professional career.

36 HOURS of COACHING PRACTICE. Divorce Coaching requires live, interactive experiential training to be an effective divorce coach. The course is 90 hours of live interactive training. This is not training to a minimum standard like most other programs – we train to a higher standard.

LEARN from EXPERT PROFESSIONALS.  Instructors from multiple disciplines train the course with live interactions, discussions, and practice coaching during the class sessions.

Professionals come to the Certified Divorce Coach® Program from many different backgrounds: mediation, family law, financial services, therapy, coaching, real estate, or other professions so there is much learning from each other in the interactive discussions.

Divorce coaches are confident and competent in the value they offer to their clients. Participants in the program are pleasantly surprised by the personal growth they also achieve during the course.

Throughout the program and after, every certified coach has an online community of graduates to turn to for support, insight, and encouragement.

All course participants also have access to the program founders by phone and email for support at no extra cost, from the time you enroll in the program until the day you retire from your divorce coaching practice.

CDC Testimonial By Cherie Morris, JD, CDC®

Nancy Hetrick, CDFA®,  CDC® of Smarter Divorce Solutions

Kurt Chacon, Collaborative Law Attorney, CDC® on the the benefits of Divorce Coach Training

Become a Certified Divorce Coach®

CDC®Known as the best organization to train and certify personal divorce coaches, the 6-part CDC Certified Divorce Coach® intensive includes a proprietary divorce coaching process and specific competencies designed to produce consistent results.

REGISTRATION opens Nov 1, 2022
for the CDC® Training
Jan 10/11 through March 30/31, 2023

Register by Nov 13 for the CDC® Training to receive the BONUS PROGRAM: Getting Clients for Divorce Coaching, starting Monday Nov 14, or Thursday, Nov 17th, 2022.  Click HERE for details

Find a Certified Divorce Coach®

A CDC Certified Divorce Coach® is qualified by the only regulated divorce coaching certification which met rigorous government approvals from the US, Canada, the UK, and Australia. There are CDC Certified Divorce Coaches trained in over 20 countries. And there are no geographic restrictions on where a divorce coach can serve clients.

CDC Certified Divorce Coaches adhere to a rigorous Code of Ethics and Practice Standards to provide a supportive and non-judgmental environment to bring out your best to meet the challenges of divorce.

Free Training Webinars

Virtual webinars with actionable insights to help you in specific ways. Topics include:

  • Empowering Clients through Traumatic Events
  • Is there Emotional Justice in Divorce?
  • Real-Life Divorce Coaching Examples: Part One
  • Real-Life Divorce Coaching Examples: Part One
  • Moving Clients from Emotional to Credible
  • Surprising Ways to Shift Entrenched Positions and Avoid the Biggest Mistakes in Divorce

Co-Founders & Co-Authors Pegotty & Randy Cooper

Pegotty Cooper, CDC® and Randy Cooper, CDC®, Supreme Court of Florida Certified Family Mediator.
Co-Founders of the CDC Certified Divorce Coaching Program and Co-Authors of Divorce – Overcome the Overwhelm. Pegotty co-authored Divorce: Taking the High Road with 10 CDC® Certified Divorce Coaches.

Overcome the Overwhelm – 6 Biggest Mistakes in Divorce

Taking the High Road

From the CDC Blog:

Divorce Coaching: A Universal Need

Divorce Coaching: A Universal Need

In 2011, CDC Certified Divorce Coach® pioneered a new profession, grounded in best practices, personal excellence, and a commitment to seeing the best in our clients. This was done to guide them in finding the answers they seek. The Certified Divorce Coach® Training...

read more

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