If you are serious about growing a sustainable client base for your coaching practice, there are 4 key areas you always need to keep top of mind in your marketing and social media efforts. It doesn’t matter whether you’re fresh out of the CDC® Certified Divorce Coach Certification Course or you’ve been a practicing divorce coach for several years now – whatever your physical location around the globe – there are 4 key drivers to growing your divorce coach business (any type of business really – the principle is the same). If you can nail down all four of these key areas and make them an integral part of your brand, you should see measurable growth in your client base consistently.

“The key to success is to keep growing in all areas of life – mental, emotional, spiritual, as well as physical.” – Julius Erving

The four key drivers for marketing and growing your divorce coach business successfully are:

  1. Being visible – examine your existing networks and the current ways in which you are visible.
  2. Being relevant to those who have access to what you want – so they are motivated to connect with you.
  3. Be engaging so that they know you are on their wavelength and that you can connect with them on their wavelength.
  4. Being in Action – being fearless in taking the actions necessary for you to succeed.

If you’re not currently meeting your goals – in your job, in your business, in your relationships, in getting clients, in attracting relationships, in serving your clients – study the four drivers of growth, which are you doing successfully? Which could use some attention and tweaking? Which are you missing?

Stay focused on YOUR picture of success (it’s different for each of us, and it’s not always about money). Celebrate your victories, no matter how small you think they are.

If you’re not currently a divorce coach but you’re interested in finding out what exactly it entails, there’s no better time than now. Becoming a divorce coach is one of the most fulfilling and satisfying career paths you can embark on.

As a CDC® Certified Divorce Coach, you will gain the tools, knowledge, and practical applications to help your client successfully move from the story of divorce to the business of divorce. With your help, they will be better prepared to communicate their wants and needs during the proceedings and into the future. CDC® training and certification also awards a dual certification: The CDC Certified Divorce Coach® and the CDC Divorce Transition and Recovery Coach® designations.

Schedule an appointment with one of our co-founders now and start making a difference not only in your own life but become a positive influence for other people as well.

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