I know you have been thinking about enrolling in the CDC Certified Divorce Coach Program for some time. Many do. And tell us they are so glad when they finally jump in with both feet!

Think about your life experience. You have skills already. You have accomplished much in life and you are wise about matters unique to your background. You have reached your “Age of Mastery”. Now it is time to turn it into fulfilling work to create a legacy of great work for yourself and for families everywhere!

If you don’t know already, the CDC® Certification Program is a program that goes well beyond the insightful frameworks assembled from diverse disciplines – from leading edge neuroscience to highly respected conflict practices especially needed in high conflict and high stress situations.

All throughout this Program, you will practice the divorce coaching competencies, the C.O.R.E Process, and real-life and commonly occurring scenarios in-class, with a mentor, and in peer groups. You will become skilled at understanding how to help the client self-discover the best options for them and their family.

If you’ve been sitting on the fence about enrolling in the CDC® Certification Program, here are 4 reasons why there’s never been a better time to register for the program.

Reason #1 – Stand out in the competitive divorce service offering: A unique approach which supports and advocates for the individual and the family both during and after the divorce process ends.

Reason #2 – Create more sustainable and fulfilling work: Reduce the stress and the tension – re-energize and regenerate your enthusiasm for your work so you have something left for your own family!

Reason #3 – Tools and Frameworks for delivering great results! Be confident that you are practicing to the highest standards with a community of practice to turn to for support.

Reason #4 – Dual Certification: We’re now offering dual certifications – CDC Certified Divorce Coach® and CDC Divorce Transition and Recovery Coach® in one comprehensive 16-week course. One Course, 32 modules, meets twice weekly.

No other program gives you the hands-on experience in every area that your client will need to become a client who is respected and effective at making the best possible decisions for their future, day in and day out. And you will help your clients avoid the biggest mind-set mistakes that so many professionals recognize but feel challenged to address.

We have just opened registration for the next CDC®Certified Divorce Coach Training and Certification which starts August 25, 2020 and runs through December 18, 2020. Participation is limited to 12 people per class and we ran out of seats before the first class started for the current course. And don’t miss the Early Registration Deadline of July 15th to qualify for the Bonus Program: Getting Clients for Divorce Coaching, scheduled in mid-July, in the final month of the Course.

To find out more about becoming a CDC Certified Divorce Coach® visit us at: https://certifieddivorcecoach.com/looking-for-divorce-coach-training/ or schedule a call with one of the co-founders today.

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