Because of the stresses of divorce, the situation often requires us to communicate differently with the client. While the issue that is under discussion may be financial, the solution is to talk to the person and not to the finances. If you retreat into the financial cocoon of developing different financial scenarios without talking to the person, you will miss the bigger picture. Marry those two together: talking to the money and talking to the person and everything opens up for you! Talking to the person allows you to reach inside their mind and heart and say to them “I understand just what you need even if you can’t clearly express just what it is!”

Our coaching skills specific to divorce can help you be the go-to person on the divorce team. Coaching is often the only thing that can kick the logjam loose on the way to dispute resolution. One of the things that divorce coaching deals with is the collection of the six mindset mistakes that many clients make during divorce – mistakes often at the root of many financial and legal mistakes. In another post, “Is There a Place in the Collaborative Process for a Personal Divorce Coach?” we explored a real-life situation which demonstrates one of the six biggest mistakes.

Can you guess which of the six biggest mistakes it is?

Join us for the free training webinar where we explore the six biggest mistakes in divorce, how to recognize them and how to deepen your ability to deal more effectively with them during your work together.

If you want to explore this with another financial professional, we invite you to arrange for a one-on-one call with us here.

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