woman walking on a straight clear path

CDC Certified Divorce Coach® recognizes that how you start a divorce sets the tone for how the rest of the divorce might go. As divorce coaches we are NOT pro-divorce. We are simply committed to helping the client make the best possible decisions for themselves and their family based on their particular interest, needs and concerns.

By helping them have their eyes wide open about the impact that divorce might have on all aspects of life, couples sometimes go back to the drawing board to create new agreements about how to listen more, communicate better, and to create boundaries for themselves so they can also be civil and allow the other person the freedom to be themselves and to retain their dignity.

On our website we have a series of videos from CDC Certified Divorce Coaches® detailing some of the issues their clients face and how a divorce coach walks along the path with the client exploring options and opportunities to navigate the divorce process in the most beneficial and future-focused manner for the client’s wants and needs – for both them and their families.

In this video, Angela Shanerman, a CDC Certified Divorce Coach® gives insight into how she was able to help one of her clients who was struggling with his vision of what he wanted for himself and his two boys during and after the process of divorce.

Working with Angela, he was able to have some really tough conversations with his spouse that were not going to happen had he not been in divorce coaching. With coaching he was able to work with a mediator to create an agreement that was workable for both parties and was able to articulate his concerns and wishes in a calm, credible manner.

Once the divorce process was over, he was able to refocus on things that he had put off, his passions that he enjoyed doing and he regain enough trust in himself that he was able to eventually start dating again.

With divorce coaching he was able to successfully keep his vision in front of him of what he wanted for his life and for his two boys.

View this and other divorce coach videos from our home page: https://certifieddivorcecoach.com/

CDC Certified Divorce Coaches® know and understand first-hand the impact that divorce can have on individuals and families. They bring compassion and confidence into their coaching and enable their clients to focus on the business part of divorce rather than become overwhelmed at the emotional aspect of the process. Unlike other divorce coaches, CDC certified divorce coaches help their clients learn to make better decisions from the very beginning of the process, to avoid the biggest mistakes in divorce, and to be confident that they have a thinking partner throughout the whole process so they don’t have to struggle alone!

Divorce often has a far-reaching negative impact – but it doesn’t have to be that way! Divorce Coaching is all about helping the client to move forward, take the high road, and make the best possible decisions for their future based on their wants, needs and concerns.

We still have a few of our free Divorce Coaching Masterclass Sessions left, join us as we take rich material from the Certified Divorce Coach® Training to help you to support your individual divorce clients in becoming clients who are heard and can speak to their needs effectively. In the process, you will understand how satisfying and beneficial divorce coaching can be for your clients and your practice!

To learn more about, or register for, the Masterclass Sessions – https://certifieddivorcecoach.com/free-webinars/

Time is running out to register for the next CDC® Certified Divorce Coach Training and Certification which starts May 2nd and ends July 28th. Explore what becoming a CDC Certified Divorce Coach® could mean to you by looking at the information on the website: https://certifieddivorcecoach.com/looking-for-divorce-coach-training/. Then set up a one-on-one call with one of the co-founders of the Divorce Coaching Intensive to have all your questions answered. We are happy to help you sort out whether this choice is likely to help you meet your professional and personal goals.


Becoming a divorce coach is one of the most fulfilling and satisfying career paths you can embark on. If your single most important goal is to support people going through a divorce in not only making their own decisions but making the best possible decisions they can for themselves, their family, and their future – then becoming a CDC Certified Divorce Coach® might be for you.
Our next CDC® Certified Divorce Coach Training and Certifications starts May 2/3, 2023, and runs through July 27/28, 2023.

If you’re considering becoming a CDC® Certified Divorce Coach, you should attend our free 6-part Masterclass Sessions for those who would like to explore more about how divorce coaching plays out in real life.

Find out more information and reserve your spot here:

Explore what becoming a CDC® Certified Divorce Coach could mean to you by looking at the information on the website.

Then set up a one-on-one call with one of the co-founders of the Divorce Coaching Intensive to have all your questions answered. We are happy to help you sort out whether this choice is likely to help you meet your professional and personal repurposing needs.

The Positive Impact of Divorce Coaching on Families

The Positive Impact of Divorce Coaching on Families

Divorce is one of the most emotionally and financially challenging experiences a family can go through. The process often brings uncertainty, stress, and overwhelming decisions that can have lasting effects on all involved, especially children. In response to these...

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