Mistake #1- Throwing in the towel.

A woman in her early 60’s who had spent a good part of her career supporting her husband in his business decided she wanted to get away from the difficult reality of the divorce decisions and the emotional toll it was taking on her. She packed up her bags and moved to another state, waiting to hear what the final settlement would be.  She assumed it would be a pretty good settlement because he made a lot of money.  She in essence abandoned the whole process of negotiating the settlement and acted as though she didn’t even really care about ensuring that the decisions would go the way she hoped they would.  She threw in the towel.

Mistake #2 – Abdicating on the decision making.

The truth is she really did care but she was just waiting for her attorney to tell her how much her settlement should be!  She didn’t show up in court and let her attorney represent her without her engagement.  What do you think her settlement was given that she abandoned the process?  Her husband had cut off her temporary support payments the month they were to go to trial. Her retainer with the attorney was running out and it wasn’t even enough to go to trial.  The attorney settled it in the hallway with minimal alimony for a short period of time and less than half the assets.  In no time at all she would be destitute.
Short term decisions have long term consequences.

Engaging a divorce coach early in the process can help people avoid both of these coachable mistakes.

To hear more about how a divorce coach can help clients avoid the six biggest mistakes in divorce that are at the root of most other financial and legal mistakes, join us for the upcoming free webinar: Helping Your Clients Avoid the 6 Biggest Mistakes in Divorce.

To explore more on the topic or learn more about our Divorce Coaching Intensive, set up a one-on-one Q&A call through our online calendar

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