woman walking on a straight clear path

Separation or divorce is a highly stressful and emotional experience for everyone involved. For a child, it can feel like their entire world has shattered. While you might feel traumatized and overwhelmed, you still have some control over the situation—your child does not.

If you’ve ever flown, you’ve likely heard the safety instructions to put your oxygen mask on first before helping your child. As a parent, your instinct is to protect your child first, but in reality, you need to take care of yourself to effectively care for your children. This principle is especially true during separation or divorce.

Introducing a divorce coach early in the process, even before separation, can help you navigate the logistics and emotions of divorce. This support makes the situation less overwhelming and allows you to focus on reducing the negative impact on your family.

  1. Navigating the Logistics of Divorce

A CDC Certified Divorce Coach® listens to you without judgment or bias, aiming solely to support you. They help you understand what you need and want from the divorce proceedings and why. A coach can suggest alternative options that may better fit your actual needs versus your initial emotional reactions. By helping you avoid common pitfalls, a divorce coach ensures you make the best decisions for your future and your children’s future.

  1. Reducing Emotional Overwhelm

The end of a relationship can trigger a range of painful emotions. Along with grieving the loss of your relationship, you may feel confused, isolated, and fearful about the future. Learning to cope with these emotions productively will help you stay calm and better support your children through this challenging time.

  1. Focusing on Family

Whether your children are toddlers or teens, the dissolution of their parents’ marriage is traumatic. With the help of a divorce coach, you can prioritize your child’s well-being and reduce their pain during this transitional period.

While some children navigate divorce with few issues, others struggle significantly. Having a divorce coach by your side helps you feel heard and in control. This support allows you to focus your energy on ensuring the divorce’s impact on your children is as painless and seamless as possible.


  1. Fostering Personal Growth

Divorce is a major life transition that can lead to personal growth and transformation. A divorce coach helps you identify your strengths and set new life goals. They encourage you to explore new opportunities and build a fulfilling life post-divorce. This positive outlook not only benefits you but also sets a strong example for your children, showing them resilience and adaptability.

Divorce is undeniably challenging, but you don’t have to go through it alone. A divorce coach provides invaluable support, helping you navigate the legal, emotional, and practical aspects of divorce. By guiding you through this process, a divorce coach ensures that you can better care for yourself and your children, fostering a healthier and more positive future for your family.

As a CDC® Certified Divorce Coach, you will gain the tools, knowledge, and practical applications to help your client successfully move from the story of divorce to the business of divorce. With your help, they will be better prepared to communicate their wants and needs during the proceedings and into the future. 

Want a taste of what is covered in the program? Join us for our free Divorce Masterclass to experience the interactive live training that is unique to this divorce coach training program. Find out more information here: https://certifieddivorcecoach.com/free-webinars/

Explore what becoming a CDC Certified Divorce Coach® could mean to you by looking at the information on the website: https://certifieddivorcecoach.com/looking-for-divorce-coach-training/. Then set up a one-on-one call with one of the co-founders of the Divorce Coaching Intensive to have all your questions answered. We are happy to help you sort out whether this choice is likely to help you meet your professional and personal goals.



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If you’re considering becoming a CDC® Certified Divorce Coach, you should attend our free 6-part Masterclass Sessions for those who would like to explore more about how divorce coaching plays out in real life.

Find out more information and reserve your spot here:

Explore what becoming a CDC® Certified Divorce Coach could mean to you by looking at the information on the website.

Then set up a one-on-one call with one of the co-founders of the Divorce Coaching Intensive to have all your questions answered. We are happy to help you sort out whether this choice is likely to help you meet your professional and personal repurposing needs.

Divorce Coaching: A Universal Need

Divorce Coaching: A Universal Need

In 2011, CDC Certified Divorce Coach® pioneered a new profession, grounded in best practices, personal excellence, and a commitment to seeing the best in our clients. This was done to guide them in finding the answers they seek. The Certified Divorce Coach® Training...

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