After weeks 2 or 3 of our program, participants often ask this question: Where was I when I needed me? It echoes another comment we get every time we share with people what we do as a divorce coach” “I wish I had has a divorce coach during my divorce!”

And reflections at the end of the training program bring to light not only the confidence they now have as a divorce coach, but also the dramatic changes that have occurred in their own both personal and profession life: “Everything has changed – I have better relationships, a new confidence; and clearer purpose.”

We know the two parts of our course – the Divorce Coaching Frameworks and the Divorce Coaching Advanced Applications change your thinking and brings out the best in you. your strengths, your problem-solving skills, your insights, your self-aware and inner wisdom. This happens for you as a divorce coach; and it happens for your clients.

What are you waiting for?

Our newly upgraded Divorce Coaching Intensive really delivers what you need to be a great personal divorce coach! You will get only positive feedback and you practice coaching in-class with your peers, in the mentor program and in the peer coaching sessions. We celebrate with you every step that you take that brings you closer to divorce coaching mastery. And completing the CDC Certified Divorce Coaching certification isn’t the end; it is the beginning!

Forging a new path forward in the community of other CDC Certified Divorce Coaches you will have ongoing access to current divorce coaching training materials, free monthly continuing education and opportunities to participate in collaborative projects with other divorce coaches.

The next step for you should be to set up a one-on-one call with me through my online calendar to explore how the CDC® Divorce Coaching Intensive might fit into your plans for both personal and professional expansion!
Click here to find the best day and time for you:

I look forward to talking with you!

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