This is one of the questions we ask every class at the end of the program. And here is what people often say!

  • All of the follow-up support.
  • The business building tips and coaching.
  • The community of professionals I can collaborate with.
  • The opportunities to keep growing and developing?
  • Being able to support others going through the program.
  • A group of people I can discuss sticky client challenged with.

We also ask what DIDN’T you get that you expected to get? Every once in a while someone will mention more ongoing support but 99.5% of the people responding say “Not applicable”!

Professional-careerWhat do you want to get out of the program – let’s talk about you and your needs because even though we have many different extras that we never talk about in the program, I want to highlight a few you may want more information about:

1. Mentor Practice and Coaching – for 5 weeks we provide you will a program graduate experienced in using the proprietary coaching process we use designed to reduce the overwhelm not only for the client but also for the divorce coach to help you practice this coaching process and to also provide to you valuable coaching in your development as a coach or your coaching practice development.

2. Becoming a Mentor. The other side of that coin is that you get to continue your training by becoming a Mentor in the program. Upon completion of your CDC Certified Divorce Coach training and certification requirements, you can turn around and model for a new participant how the process works and also get some valuable coaching practice by supporting them while they get their CDC legs under them.

3. Coaching Practicum for your Pro-Bono Coaching Clients. New this year we are changing Peer Coaching to become Coaching Practicum for your Pro-Bono Coaching Clients. This supports you in probably the most important action you can take before completing the course, and that is getting a Pro-Bono client and working with them over a period of 4 weeks. This will cause some changes in your way of being as you become a coach – or take on more clients to expand your coaching practice.

We never rest on our laurels. We listen to what you and course participants say and are always raising the bar for ourselves to provide a better experience as a CDC Certified Divorce Coach.

What can we provide to you so that you can have the success you imagine in your Divorce Coaching Practice?

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