Reach for the stars!
It has been another very frustrating mediation, and all I have heard is “I don’t want to listen to you because I am right and there is nothing you can say to change my mind”. All I want to do is dig in my heels and not agree to anything he wants.
This is one of the biggest mistakes that people make in divorce: Taking the My Way or the Highway Approach – which results in high costs, a long drawn out divorce, and other consequences!
In our CDC Certified Divorce Coach® Program, we cover this mistake in depth, as well as the other five common mistakes from which almost all other mistakes flow. The biggest mistakes are one of the six parts of our CDC Certified Divorce Coach® Program, each an important element which helps you to be successful in providing divorce coaching to your clients and building your divorce coaching business.
The next Divorce Coach certification class starts August 31, 2015! If you would like to learn more about becoming a divorce coach, please join us for a free webinar series to introduce you to the profession of Divorce Coaching.
Join us for the webinar, Avoiding the 6 Biggest Mistakes in Divorce, and we will cover:
- How to recognize when your client is about to make one of these mistakes
- The consequences of these mistakes
- What a divorce coach can do to support their clients
- Identify some of the counter-intuitive moves to dissipate conflict
- How to connect your clients to their better self
We have created an intimate setting for this webinar where you will have personal attention, so the webinar is limited to 12 people per class. We recommend you select your dates to attend early:
Click to signup:
Wednesday, August 19, 2015, 12pm EDT (11 am CT, 10 am MT, 9 am PT)
We’ll answer any questions you have about any aspect of Divorce Coaching or any aspect of becoming a Divorce Coach. And we will make it a valuable experience so you can take the information from today and use it tomorrow.
Ready to take the next step?
Request a Pre-Enrollment Conversation to reserve your seat in the next program