woman walking on a straight clear path


The holidays are a time for family, reconnecting, giving thanks, reflecting on the past year and making plans for the new year.  The beauty of becoming a divorce coach is that you most likely already have life experience – whether personally or through friends and family – in dealing with divorce. Whether you’re looking to break out of your current rut and start a new fulfilling career helping others through the overwhelm of the divorce process or you’re already working in the divorce field and just looking to add additional options for your clients, divorce coaching is one of the fastest growing business areas of the overall divorce process.

Two of our favorite quotes here at CDC are:

“The arc of the divorce universe is long and it bends towards family.”


“When bad things happen you have three choices: you can let them define you, let them destroy you, or let them make you stronger.” Dr. Seuss

This holiday season don’t forget to take time for you! Becoming a divorce coach is one of the most fulfilling and satisfying career paths you can embark on.  If your single most important goal is to support people going through a divorce in not only making their own decisions but making the best possible decisions they can for themselves, their family, and their future – then becoming a CDC Certified Divorce Coach® might be for you.  Our next CDC® Certified Divorce Coach Training and Certifications starts January 10/11, 2023, and runs through March 30/31, 2023. Time to register is running out, don’t miss your chance to hit the ground running in 2023 – divorce coaching isn’t a job … it’s a calling.

Are you passionate about helping people and making a difference in their lives by helping them through one of the most traumatic events a person can go through?

Becoming a divorce coach is one of the most fulfilling and satisfying career paths you can embark on.  If your single most important goal is to support people going through a divorce in not only making their own decisions, but making the best possible decisions they can for themselves, their family, and their future, then becoming a CDC Certified Divorce Coach® might be for you.

For the past 12+ years, the CDC Certified Divorce Coach® program has been supporting committed individuals to develop confidence and know-how in divorce coaching.  What they have found is that divorce coaching is an innovative approach, a dispute resolution process, which supports individuals and families in ways that move them away from the high conflict behavior towards the more amicable approach to divorce.

Divorce Coaching is not a stand-alone dispute resolution process – it pairs well with and adds value to the other recognized divorce processes: litigation, mediation, and collaborative divorce.  As a Divorce Coach, you can help your client move their thinking away from the destructive “winner takes all” approach to an approach that restores dignity and confidence in working with the process.

This is the magic of divorce coaching – and the effectiveness of your ability to do this comes from a combination of divorce coaching competencies, new ways of helping your client lay the foundation for better decision-making and better engagement not only with their spouse but also with all of the professionals they rely on for advice during the whole transition from married to the single head of a new household. And Divorce Coaching helps the client make an internal shift which brings them back to the basics of what it is to be human and to be proud of how they handled a difficult situation.


If you’re considering becoming a CDC® Certified Divorce Coach, you should attend one of our series of mini-training webinars for those who would like to explore more about how divorce coaching plays out in real life. Our mini-trainings include options like Real-Life Divorce Coaching Examples, Is There Emotional Justice In Divorce, Surprising Ways To Shift Entrenched Positions, and Empowering Clients Through Traumatic Events.

Find out more information and reserve your spot here:

Explore what becoming a CDC® Certified Divorce Coach could mean to you by looking at the information on the website.

Then set up a one-on-one call with one of the co-founders of the Divorce Coaching Intensive to have all your questions answered. We are happy to help you sort out whether this choice is likely to help you meet your professional and personal repurposing needs.

The Vital Role of Training in Divorce Coaching

The Vital Role of Training in Divorce Coaching

In 2011, the CDC Certified Divorce Coach® program established a groundbreaking profession rooted in best practices, personal excellence, and a deep commitment to supporting clients through divorce. This became, “The Professional Standard for Personal Divorce...

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