by squinx | Mar 18, 2021 | Coaching for Special Interests, Divorce Coach, Divorce Coach Certification Program, Divorce Coaching Tips, Marketing and Getting Clients
Over the past 12-plus months, we have seen a lot of evidence that points to a need to help others to be better-equipped, more resilient, and to have a voice in matters that impact them directly. This is certainly true in divorce, but it can all seem overwhelming and...
by squinx | Feb 18, 2021 | Divorce Coaching Tips
If you’re an attorney wanting to retire from what you currently do or add an additional service for your clients and remain as part of the dispute resolution field, perhaps it’s time to take a serious look at divorce coaching! Divorce coaching can reduce the stress...
by squinx | Jan 28, 2021 | Divorce Coach Certification Program
Divorce has a well-deserved reputation for causing clients to enter a crazy time – when logic, rational thought and common sense are sacrificed at the altar of staying in the “story” – the bitterness and resentment of what happened in the past. This...
by squinx | Dec 24, 2020 | Divorce Coach Certification Program, Divorce Coaching Tips
The holidays are meant to be a time of giving, of reflecting, of peace and hope and joy. If you or someone you know are going through a divorce, you know the holidays tend to magnify the emotional overwhelm of the ending of a relationship. This is where having a CDC...
by squinx | Dec 17, 2020 | Divorce Coach Certification Program, Divorce Coaching Tips
In this season of caring and giving, it’s important to take care of yourself as well. Tomorrow is the deadline to register for the CDC® Certified Divorce Coach and CDC Divorce Transition and Recovery Coach® Training and Certifications and still qualify for the...