Divorce Coach Specialty Training
We are proud and excited to introduce eight specialty certifications which leverage the divorce coaching intensive training which you completed through the CDC.
Starting in 2024, we offer several specialty coach training and certifications to those who have already earned the CDC Certified Divorce Coach certification.
As they become available and scheduled for registration, we will send out announcements advising you when the one you are interested in is scheduled. Each course comprises eight modules and will be meeting once per week for two hours over the course of 8 weeks. The pace of the course allows you to digest each module and to do the assigned reading and pre-class assignments at a more relaxed pace than you experienced in the CDC Certified Divorce Coach Intensive Training. The classes are limited to 12 people per class. Scheduled times for each course will change throughout the calendar of scheduled courses to accommodate the Pacific region, the US and Canada, and the European, Middle East, and African time zones.
Each course costs $990. Payment options are:
- $890 payment in full at time of registration, or
- 3 payments of $330 monthly from the time of registration.
CDC Divorce Transition and Recovery Coach®
CDC Amicable Divorce Coach®
CDC High Conflict Divorce Coach®
CDC Holistic Divorce Coach™
Caring Co-Parent Coach™
CHCC Career Coach®
Why Consider Specialty Certification Training?
CDC Specialty Coach Training Certifications are vital supplemental credentials designed exclusively for CDC Certified Divorce Coaches seeking to engage clients grappling not only with the intricacies of divorce, but also with additional challenging factors specific to each specialty certification. These certifications provide advanced coaching tools, alongside specialized expertise and knowledge necessary to address amplified concerns that arise within the dissolution of marriage. By obtaining these specialty certifications, divorce coaches enhance their ability to attract clients seeking guidance through complex circumstances, thus offering a more comprehensive and tailored approach to support during the divorce journey.
Specialty Certification Trainings Will Include:
- Live and interactive zoom calls each week where you will engage in in-depth exploration of the issues that your ideal clients in this specialty will be facing
- How best to use the collection of tools introduced in the CDC Certification and
- Where to find resources to address issues which are unique to this specialty area,
- How to hire the professionals which may be needed to address the unique concerns of these clients.
- And in many of these specialty certifications – how to take it to a wider audience to enhance your coaching practice and to make a difference for clients facing unique situations that you have a special interest in.
Please review the descriptions below for the specialty certifications we are offering to all those who have completed the CDC Certified Divorce Coach Training. If you’d like to receive more information about a particular specialty, simply fill out the Interest form under the topic you’re interested in.
These will be rolled out over the course of the next several months. The dates specified are estimated start dates.
CDC Divorce Transition and Recovery Coach
Schedule: Feb-Mar 2025
Help your clients move into the next chapter confident, empowered, and prepared to meet the challenges finding meaning and purpose in their lives again, and follow-up through on the legal and financial changes; and to create their new identity and new meaningful relationships with themselves first and then with others.
CDC Divorce Transition and Recovery Coach Interest
Once you have completed the CDC Certified Divorce Coach® Training and Certification, this graduate certification is available to specialize in addressing the unique issues and resources found in this situation.
We are happy to add you to the list for receiving the enrollment form when available for the next scheduled session. Send a request to Cheryl Flowers at sct@certifieddivorcecoach.com.
Schedule: Feb – Mar 2024
Providing a framework for any CDC certified divorce coach working with clients of faith who experience the betrayal of their faith as a result of divorce and also feel the need to rely on their faith to help them return to their true selves and become welcome members of a faith community again.
CDC Faith Based Divorce Coach Interest
Once you have completed the CDC Certified Divorce Coach® Training and Certification, this graduate certification is available to specialize in addressing the unique issues and resources found in this situation.
We are happy to add you to the list for receiving the enrollment form when available for the next scheduled session. Send a request to Cheryl Flowers at sct@certifieddivorcecoach.com.
Schedule: Feb – March 2024
If you have experience of a special needs child or adult in your life and you know the challenges that divorce can bring, this certification addresses the needs of the caretaker parent, and the planning demands for parents who are divorcing. The care of the parent, the planning care for the dependents, while caring for all members of the family. Special attention is focused on how to find the right professionals, many of whom are not part of those we normally name in the divorce team.
CDC Divorce Transition and Recovery Coach Interest
Once you have completed the CDC Certified Divorce Coach® Training and Certification, this graduate certification is available to specialize in addressing the unique issues and resources found in this situation.
We are happy to add you to the list for receiving the enrollment form when available for the next scheduled session. Send a request to Cheryl Flowers at sct@certifieddivorcecoach.com.
CDC Amicable Divorce Coach®
Schedule: May – July
Taking the high road in divorce is not easy. It is about honoring the relationships which make up the family unit even during these difficult times of divorce. It includes making a commitment to each other to minimize the damage to children, other extended family relationships and the communities your clients are part of. Building a bridge between divorcing spouses to allow the divorce to be more family-centered and conducive to cooperative co-parenting.
CDC Faith Based Divorce Coach Interest
Once you have completed the CDC Certified Divorce Coach® Training and Certification, this graduate certification is available to specialize in addressing the unique issues and resources found in this situation.
We are happy to add you to the list for receiving the enrollment form when available for the next scheduled session. Send a request to Cheryl Flowers at sct@certifieddivorcecoach.com.
CDC High Conflict Divorce Coach®
Schedule: Coming Soon
There are dozens of possible types of domestic abuse that can be identified in marriage that can escalate during divorce. This area of divorce coaching can help save a client in more ways than one. High conflict divorce is an area that requires specialized skills to help support a person through the intense struggle of the high conflict nature of their divorce.
CDC High Conflict Divorce Coach Interest
Once you have completed the CDC Certified Divorce Coach® Training and Certification, this graduate certification is available to specialize in addressing the unique issues and resources found in this situation.
We are happy to add you to the list for receiving the enrollment form when available for the next scheduled session. Send a request to Cheryl Flowers at sct@certifieddivorcecoach.com.
CDC Holistic Divorce Coach™
Schedule: May – July
Divorce can cause major disruptions in mind, body, and soul. People often are completely disrupted by the fact that nearly every aspect of their life is changing during divorce. This can be very stressful. The Holistic Divorce Coach can help support the whole person.
CDC Holistic Divorce Coach Interest
Once you have completed the CDC Certified Divorce Coach® Training and Certification, this graduate certification is available to specialize in addressing the unique issues and resources found in this situation.
We are happy to add you to the list for receiving the enrollment form when available for the next scheduled session. Send a request to Cheryl Flowers at sct@certifieddivorcecoach.com.
Caring Co-Parent Coach™
Schedule: Coming Soon
Parents are not given a parenting manual or training program when they get married. The stresses and strains and busy schedules of life often can make parenting increasingly difficult. During divorce, the stresses tend to increase and make parenting even more difficult. At some point the children can be shared between two households adding even more difficult communications.
A divorce coach specializing in co-parent coaching can be an essential thinking partner, a voice of reason, assisting parents in their divorce generally and with specific skills to help parents be the best parents they can be for everyone’s benefit.
Caring Co-Parent Coach Interest
Once you have completed the CDC Certified Divorce Coach® Training and Certification, this graduate certification is available to specialize in addressing the unique issues and resources found in this situation.
We are happy to add you to the list for receiving the enrollment form when available for the next scheduled session. Send a request to Cheryl Flowers at sct@certifieddivorcecoach.com.
CHCC Career Coach®
Schedule: Coming Soon
Divorce Coaching and Career Coaching go hand in hand. Whether your clients are young single parents, mid-life parents of late teens or young adults, or senior citizens divorcing and now establishing their new chapter, having financial means is important to feel secure and self-reliant. Developing the confidence in the skills you bring to the table and the courage to put yourself out there is a significant part of the divorce recovery process. A career coach is that thinking partner to create your value in a career or in a business.
Charteres Career Coaching Interest
Once you have completed the CDC Certified Divorce Coach® Training and Certification, this graduate certification is available to specialize in addressing the unique issues and resources found in this situation.
We are happy to add you to the list for receiving the enrollment form when available for the next scheduled session. Send a request to Cheryl Flowers at sct@certifieddivorcecoach.com.
Advisory Group
A group of professionals from various backgrounds and who are also CDC Certified Divorce Coaches dedicated their time and energy to identify the content for the Specialty Coach Training and Specialty Certifications. Together all members of the advisory group participated in the Pilot Program, each taking part in the weekly sessions, contributing additional insight and bringing a richness to the topics and discussions because of their own intimate involvement in the experience that their clients may also be having.
Together we can change the experience of divorce for individuals and for families!
That is why we are sharing with you some of the important frameworks for helping people through the rough spots in divorce!
Divorce often has a far reaching negative impact. And we are here to show you that it doesn’t have to be that way! When you meet individuals, who are struggling with their divorce, you want to provide the kind of support they really need – good solid practical support that keeps them focused forward and helps them to participate more effectively in the divorce process. Divorce Coaching is all about helping the client to move forward, take the high road, and make the best possible decisions for their future based on their wants, needs and concerns.
Randy and Pegotty Cooper, co-founders of the CDC Certified Divorce Coach™ Program
Built on almost a decade of serving people in divorce as a family mediator and as a coach, we understand exactly why the role of Divorce Coach is an important and missing player in many divorces. In fact, everyone we share the information with, including attorneys and therapists, they all say “I wish I had had a personal Divorce Coach in my divorce!”. We are also authors of the book: Divorce: Overcome the Overwhelm and Avoid the Six Biggest Mistakes in Divorce – Insights for Personal Divorce Coaches. Divorce overwhelms everything, including the other professionals who work with clients in divorce. We can not only show you how to engage with other divorce professionals, but also how NOT to get overwhelmed yourself in the development of your divorce coaching practice! We lead a team of experienced and talented professionals who share with you their experience and knowledge in working in divorce with difficult personalities, and with children, as therapists, family mediators, parenting coordinators, financial planners, CDFA’s, attorney, and coaches.
Want to know what others say about the specialty certifications?
I highly recommend the CDC Divorce Transition and Recovery Coach certification course. The class helped me personally as well as assisted me with my post-divorce clients. In addition, as a certified divorce coach, it gave me tools to keep clients coming back for more coaching work that I’m now qualified to help with.
I have also used this course to form a new support group for people in the post-divorce phase of their lives. The instructors were all fabulous, and the tools, discussions, and guest speakers were extremely useful. All divorce coaches could benefit from this fantastic course!
CDC Faith Based Divorce Coaching Program
Divorce will leave your clients in a wilderness. When your clients are done wandering, this course will help them find the direction they need to reach their promised land.
The CDC Faith Based Divorce Coaching Program has been a transformative experience for me. Despite working as a coach since 2013, obtaining certification from the International Coach Federation in 2018, and even certifying as a CDC Divorce Coach in 2019, it is only now that I truly feel my work as a coach is aligned with my values because it is now aligned with my faith. Before, I felt something was missing, but being a part of this program has helped to align my values, faith, and work. Clients seek me out specifically for a faith-based approach and I’m more fulfilled as a coach than ever before. I am grateful to Pegotty and Randall Cooper for offering such a valuable program that, like me, will undoubtedly empower other coaches to better serve their clients by aligning their faith with their work.