Welcome to our CDC Special Needs Divorce Coach Training
Divorce is challenging and disorienting in the best of circumstances, and these issues are heightened when the family unit includes persons with special needs or disabilities that call for additional consideration or caregiving beyond what is required for typically developing children.
Benefits and resources to support the special needs child, the other children and parents themselves can be hard to find and often have complicated eligibility requirements and/or long wait times, or, if privately funded, are extremely expensive.
Laws, rules, and practices with respect to parenting and how the issues of divorce are handled also vary widely from state to state, and even within a state from locality to locality. In these circumstances, it is critical that clients create the right team to advise them, support them, and help them navigate the myriad decisions they face.
A qualified special needs divorce coach can bring enormous value to their clients by:
- Sharing information about resources and benefits,
- Helping the client identify and explain the ways their child’s needs differ from those of typically developing children,
- Curating a list of professionals with the qualifications, experience and heart to best serve them, and
- Joining networks of other professionals to assist clients who reside in other localities.
CDC Special Needs Divorce Coach™ Training and Certification
When parents of a special needs child and other children without special needs decide to divorce, there are several important issues that may arise, which require special consideration and planning. These issues can vary depending on the specific needs of the child and the circumstances of the divorce, but here are some of the most important concerns:
- Emotional and Psychological Support for all family members
- Custody and Parenting Time maybe challenging depending on the the special needs child and any other children is crucial.
- Specialized Education, IEPs, and Therapy. Health Insurance and Medical Expenses.
- Maintaining a support network for the special needs child, which may include therapists, doctors, and other caregivers, can be challenging during a divorce. Coordinating these networks is crucial for the child’s well-being.
- Consistency and cooperation between parents can minimize disruptions in the child’s life.
- Maintaining positive sibling relationships between the special needs child and any siblings without special needs is essential.
- Creating a transition plan for the special needs child, especially if they are nearing adulthood, is crucial.
Modules In CDC Special Needs Divorce Coach Training and Certification Include:
1. The Role of the Special Needs Divorce Coach
2. 10 What To Do’s and What Not To Do’s
3. Co-Parenting Special Needs Children and Siblings
4. Parallel Parenting and Other High Conflict Strategies
5. Amicable and High Conflict Divorce: Tools-Techniques
6. Planning for the Present and the Future
7. Creating the Right Team to Serve your Clients
8. Developing Your Visibility in Special Needs Divorce
CDC Special Needs Divorce Coach™
Eight 2-hour sessions
in 2024, Thursdays from 9:30 – 11:30 am ET
October 3 – November 21
The cost is $990 (payment plan options – 2 payments of $520, or 3 payments of $360).
CDC Special Needs Divorce Coach Interest
Once you have completed the CDC Certified Divorce Coach® Training and Certification, this graduate certification is available to specialize in addressing the unique issues and resources found in this situation.
We are happy to add you to the list for receiving the enrollment form when available for the next scheduled session. Send a request to Cheryl Flowers at sct@certifieddivorcecoach.com
Hear What CDC Coaches Working With Special Needs Families Have To Say:
Anyone who is working with families going through divorce has a duty, in my opinion, to educate themselves on some of the unique challenges their clients may be facing. Many of those clients may have a child with special needs or a neurodivergent child. These families need professionals who have empathy, understanding, and specialized training in this area. As professionals, we can help them spot the issues they will need to tackle during this process and move through the overwhelm they are feeling on a daily basis. During this training, I gained a lot of insight into the resources that are available to families with special needs children, as well as some of the unique emotional and financial challenges that parents are facing when they are going through divorce with a special needs child.
The new Certified Divorce Special Needs Coach training program is what will make you stand out! The intersection of divorce with special needs children has skyrocketed and these parents need professionals to help them navigate it. This 8-module class will teach you all you need to be successful in helping your clients. Clients will find you essential and will continue to come back for more sessions. The planning and expert instructors are at the top of their fields, and you will feel confident in custody and financial topics for disabled children. I highly recommend signing up for the cohort to be a pioneer in this much needed field! It doesn’t get more rewarding than this!
So many families with children with complex needs are struggling to find knowledgeable and empathetic professionals to support them when facing divorce. The CDC Special Needs Certification has been carefully crafted and designed to provide CDC Certified Divorce Coaches insights and tools needed to support parents trying to navigate the extra considerations of divorce and specialized planning when a child with disability is involved.
Clients deserve to work with people who show them and their families respect, listen without judgment, and honor them as the expert and ultimate decisionmaker regarding what is right for them and their family. This is a foundational principle for the training of the CDC Special Needs Divorce Coach.
When divorce is inevitable, there are many unanswered questions about the family’s financial future. When there is a Special Needs Child involved, the planning process takes another unique turn that the family may not be prepared to handle. Working with a Special Needs Divorce Coach who understands the specific emotional and financial needs of a family during this time can make the difference between irrational, emotional decisions, and thoughtful productive planning decisions that can help secure the future welfare of the Special Needs Child.
Parents of special needs children often feel alone and misunderstood when divorcing, as if no one understands their child’s unique challenges. Unfortunately, divorces involving neuro-diverse children are complex and difficult to comprehend. CDC Special Needs Divorce Coaches play a pivotal role in guiding and empowering clients to be vigorous advocates for their children and themselves. It is a must-have certification that will add valuable skills to your practice.
CDC Special Needs Divorce Coach™ Advisory Group
A group of professionals from various backgrounds and who are also CDC Certified Divorce Coaches dedicated their time and energy to identify the content for the Specialty Coach Training and Specialty Certifications. Together all members of the advisory group participated in the Pilot Program, each taking part in the weekly sessions, contributing additional insight and bringing a richness to the topics and discussions because of their own intimate involvement in the experience that their clients may also be having.
Divorce Coach Plus
Mary Ann Hughes
CDC Special Needs Divorce Coach™
Special Family Transtions
Houston, Texas
Emily Malloy
CDC Special Needs Divorce Coach™
Divorce and Parenting Coach, Attorney, Mediator and Social Worker
New York
Donna Kline
CDC Special Needs Divorce Coach™
Chartered Special Needs Consultant and Certified Divorce Financial Analyst
Pegotty Cooper
CDC Certified Divorce Coach®
CDC Special Needs Divorce Coach™
CDC Co-Founder and Director of Coaching
Sophie Helenek
CDC Special Needs Divorce Coach™
Divorce Consultant & Divorce Wealth Advisor
Why You Need A Specialty Certification
CDC Specialty Coach Training Certifications are vital supplemental credentials designed exclusively for CDC Certified Divorce Coaches seeking to engage clients grappling not only with the intricacies of divorce, but also with additional challenging factors specific to each specialty certification. These certifications provide advanced coaching tools, alongside specialized expertise and knowledge necessary to address amplified concerns that arise within the dissolution of marriage. By obtaining these specialty certifications, divorce coaches enhance their ability to attract clients seeking guidance through complex circumstances, thus offering a more comprehensive and tailored approach to support during the divorce journey.
CDC Special Needs Divorce Coach™
The CDC Special Needs Divorce Coach™ certification mark is used to identify individuals who, perform personal divorce coaching services for members of the public. Certified individuals deliver personal divorce coaching services according to the Standards of Ethics and Professional Responsibilities. Only certified individuals who have completed the training and perform personal divorce coaching services according to the professional standards taught in the training and required by the certification regulations are authorized to use the Special Needs Divorce Coach™ mark.