What do you think gets between divorce coaches and getting more clients?

You guessed it!  FEAR!

  • Fear of looking bad!
  • Fear of failure!
  • Fear of feeling stupid!
  • Fear of not knowing what to say!

Fear is really an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real!   We make up these stories we tell ourselves about how we know these things are going to happen.  And we act as though these fears we have are the truth!  And we look at this evidence about the future as though it were real.

So here is a secret for getting more clients in divorce –

  • Be confident that you will have clients even if you don’t have any right now.
  • These clients will need services that you are not able to provide: Legal advice, help selling the house, financing for a new house, insurance, financial help, therapy, etc.
  • In service to your clients, go out there and find some professionals in each category to whom you can refer your clients when they have the need. Ask your friends and family and people you do business with whom you do business.  Ask: I need to refer my clients to qualified professionals. Do you know the names of anyone who fits into these categories? Could I use your name when I reach out to them?
  • Contact the recommended professionals and ask them: My friend XXX suggested that I contact you.  Are you taking any new clients?  I would like to spend a few minutes with you understanding more about your business so I can refer to you the kind of clients you want. Would an early morning coffee break work for you?  Mid-afternoon?

When you meet face to face (or perhaps they suggested a phone conversation), ask them what kind of clients they prefer to work with. Once you ask someone about their business, they will do all of the talking and you will learn a lot about them by what they focus on in their conversation.  Make it an easy and natural conversation.

Eventually they will ask you what you do and you can tell them you are a CDC Certified Divorce Coach. This may bring up more questions about what a divorce coach does – to which you can reply: What do you like least about working with clients in divorce?  The chances are pretty good they will say something that fits right onto what you do.  Speak to that concern they have with an offer to help the client become a better client.

For more insight about how to make this work for you, join us for our live webinar:

Getting More Clients in Divorce the Easy and Natural Way on Wednesday, August  17th at 12 noon – 1:30 pm.

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