The stakes are high in divorce – consider your sanity, your family, your job, and your health. Until relatively recently, the support options for going through divorce were fairly limited.  But more and more frequently you will hear references to someone’s divorce coach who is a thinking partner for the many decisions to be made about the future and avoiding the biggest mistakes in divorce; and a sounding board for important conversations during the whole process from start to recovery.

According to the February issue of Town and Country Magazine, the 5 people you need on your Divorce Team include a Divorce Coach.  The Divorce Coach, according to the T & C Divorce Guide in that issue, is a relatively new position on the team.

In January 2011, after seven years of working with divorcing clients as a financial professional (CFP® and CDFA®), a certified coach, and a family mediator certified by the Supreme Court of Florida, Randy Cooper and his partner Pegotty Cooper, started the CDC Certified Divorce Coach® training and certification program.  For the past 7 years, Pegotty and Randy have blended the best insights from longtime professionals in the field and additional course instructors, their own experience, and Pegotty’s 16 years of experience as a certified coach and International Coach Federation elected leader in creating The Professional Standard for Personal Divorce Coaching™.

You can have a thriving divorce coaching practice. The CDC Divorce Coaching Intensive program provides the confidence, the know-how and the tools you will need to do just that!  Courses start in January, May, and September.  In 16 weeks of classes, mentor practice and peer coaching you will earn your CDC Certified Divorce Coach® certification.

Our next program starts soon. Registration is now open. We invite you to attend any of our free mini-training webinars or to schedule a one-on-one call with Pegotty or Randy Cooper to answer all of your questions.

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