President, Divorce Coach Lifeline, CDC Certified Divorce Coach®
Boston, MA
Phone: 617-872-0024
Email: divorcecoachlifeline@gmail.com
Walking Down the Road Together:
Divorce can present many challenges. As your divorce coach, I am here to support you and to offer guidance throughout all of the changes you will face. I work with individuals who are contemplating divorce, currently engaged in the divorce process, and post divorce to develop a strategy for the next steps. Change is never easy. However with change can come the opportunity for growth. Having gone through a challenging and emotionally painful divorce myself, I understand the uncertainty and stress that many face. I will be there for you every step of the way to help you stay focused, so that you can make the best decisions that are right for you.
Working with a divorce coach has many benefits. I can help you:
- Define your goals
- Find clarity and focus
- Use your attorney more effectively
- Explore your options
- Be your best self
- Navigate through the divorce process with confidence
- Envision the future
- Cope with changes
- Establish action plans
The divorce journey can be complex at times requiring the expertise of other professionals. With an established network and resources, I can support you in moving forward with confidence.

Schedule a no-obligation complimentary divorce coaching session with Michelle Klein today, to discover the benefits of working with a Certified Divorce Coach.
Coaching Services are scheduled via phone/Facetime/Skype.
Call Today to Schedule