CDC Certified Divorce Coach ®
Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA
Phone : 250-889-0878
Email : julie@espritcoaching.ca
Website : www.espritcoaching.ca
A Divorce is one of the most traumatic events that can happen in one’s life. It can take the “stuffing” right out of you, and have you be unsure of how to put it all back together, so that you can move forward.
Hopes and dreams dashed, plans ruined, families broken apart, financial worries, fear of what the future may bring, and much more. This can cause anxiety, emotional and physical stress, loneliness, trepidation, sleepless nights…
Having endured a very long, painful divorce myself, I am passionate about supporting women through the ups and downs of divorce. As your Divorce Coach, I can help you to create an exciting future, a new chapter filled with possibilities greater than you could ever have imagined!
Together we look at your concerns, the obstacles that stop you from moving forward, what is most important to you, and what you specifically want to achieve. As your partner, I work with you every step of the way so that you achieve your specific goals and dreams. We do it at your pace. It takes work and commitment, and a willingness to believe that there is a bright future at the end of this painful journey. It can and will be yours!
Moving forward from a 12 year relationship with a 3 year old child is definitively the deepest, most sickening stress I have ever experienced. It can be really easy to stay in an unhealthy place of loneliness, resentment, and continuous indulgence of the same destructive patterns. Sometimes when I call Julie, I’ll start there and she will quickly get me talking myself into a new place where I can make boundaries and decisions that are the best for myself, my child, and my ex. Talking regularly with Julie has allowed me to move forward, develop my new life, and manifest happiness and confidence that I haven’t understood for a long time. The massive life changes coming out of separation can drag on and define depression. Julie did not let that happen to me. She helps me to fearlessly forge my own way beyond my pain. I have found a life on the other side that is true and genuine to myself, that supports my child, and considers the needs of my ex with fair and blatant honesty. I am really a much better person when I’m committed to speaking with Julie.”
Julie’s training and experience includes:
CTI (Coach Training Institute) Certified Life Coach, CDC Certified Divorce Coach®,
LIFE Seminars Life Coach/Group Leader, John Gottman’s Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work Course, Neurolinguistic Programming Certificate, Byron Katie’s School for The Work, Landmark Education.