new-career-2016Would it surprise you to learn that January and February are when the most divorces are filed?   It makes sense – after the holidays, before Valentine’s Day, the start of a new year….
Even though you may have some valuable experience with divorce, either as a divorce professional or as a person who has gone through divorce, how can you be confident that you can help that individual who comes to you with their concerns?
Providing advice is one way – but legal advice is the domain of the attorneys, financial advice especially about tax implications and decisions in divorce lies with the Certified Financial Planners or CPA’s, and getting to the root of the emotional pain is the domain is in the hands of the licensed mental health professionals. All of these are effective but times have changed and there is something missing!

Personal Divorce Coaching provides something that none of the other licensed professional provide:

A committed professional who believes that the client has the capacity to overcome the challenge of divorce and come out the other side with their dignity intact!  Someone who will help them to focus on what is most important and to make the best decisions for themselves and their family based on their specific wants, needs and concerns. A thinking partner that helps them avoid the biggest mistakes people make in divorce and find peace of mind as they create the next chapter through small purposeful steps.

Here are 5 tips which have made a huge difference to my clients:

1.  Address the most immediate concerns with a practical step by step approach – recognizing that action is the best antidote to the overwhelm and emotional stress they are engulfed in.
2.  Partner with them in exploring the options they see as the answer. Help them to self-discover whether these will work or not work for them.
3.  Help them to replenish their energy reserves by reminding them of what they have done in the past to overcome obstacles or deal with challenges.
4.  Get them in touch with who they are when they are at their best, as a parent, as a friend, as a savvy household manager, as a human being.
5.  Celebrate their wins with them no matter how small.  Success creates confidence and rebuilds self-esteem.

These are simple steps and not always easy given the environment in which divorce takes place: the rollercoaster of emotions, the multitude of changes, and the legal process of divorce.
The CDC Certified Divorce Coach Program is designed to support you as the divorce coach in each of these 5 areas, providing a framework and structure for coaching which supports you because we know that divorce overwhelms everything! Your effectiveness as a divorce coach depends on your being able to help a client to shift their mindset and make the right choices for them.

Join us and become part of this miraculous process that can change the experience of divorce for individuals and families.
Contact us for a one-on-one Q & A sessions with the co-founders of the program – we will answer all of your questions so you can determine if this is the right choice for you.

Click here to access the online calendar and pick the best time for you:
Or attend our upcoming virtual training on Getting More Clients in Divorce the Easy and Natural Way.
Click here to register.
Don’t wait another year – or event another month –
Our daytime classes fill fast and our 2016 prices go into effect January 1.

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