weather oddity MGD©Help! I am numb and afraid and my only response is a list of what I am afraid of.

“I am overwhelmed. I am fearful about my children, about keeping my home and surviving myself. When I go to talk with a lawyer, he has outlined five or six areas we should talk about. Everything he is saying is pushing me further into overwhelm and I cannot deal with anything he is saying. I am numb and afraid and my only response is a list of what I am afraid of. It is a frustrating conversation for the lawyer and a very unsatisfying conversation for me.

The lawyer responds casually about the things that are really things that upset me the most! It turns out these are not matters which have an impact on the outcome of the divorce case but they are questions I am stuck on and feel the quick-sand of uncertainty under my feet!”

This is where a divorce coach can make a big difference – an accessible thinking partner who can help you to deal with the feelings of being overwhelmed and help you to sorts through all of those questions where you are stuck – and ask some new questions. Like how can we help you to survive? What do you need to keep the house? What would make a difference right now for your children?

It takes a special person to provide the safe, supportive, non-judgmental and patient environment needed for divorce coaching. Divorce coaches have to do a lot of training and work themselves to be able to be absolutely present and engaged in helping the client to shift their perspective long enough to see other options for getting unstuck. And this is what brings the transformation of coaching to the overwhelm of divorce.

Upcoming Class Schedule:

Noon – 2 pm ET or 8 – 10 pm ET on Thursdays, with the pre-requisite of Coach Training, starting September 11, 2014.
For those without Coach Training, Noon – 2 pm ET or 8 – 10 pm ET on Mondays starting September 8, 2014.

Free Webinars

Getting More Clients for Divorce Coaching – The Easy and Natural Way
Wednesday, August 27, 2014 from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM

Avoiding the Six Biggest Mistakes in Divorce
Thursday, September 4, 2014 from 8:00 PM to 9:30 PM (EDT)

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