CDC Certified Divorce Coach®
Greater Philadelphia Area, Pennsylvania
Phone : 610-331-9131
Email : hanna@livingthrudivorce.com
Website : www.livingthrudivorce.com
Living Thru Divorce
For some people, it’s struggling with that famous wheel of indecision – “should I stay or should I go.” For others, it’s falling into the many traps and pitfalls of bad decision-making during negotiations. For many, it’s the challenge to reclaim and rebuild a thriving life post-divorce.
No matter where you are in the divorce process, any stage can create one of the biggest energy drains and loss of human potential there is. Unfortunately, the divorce process tends to bring out the worst in otherwise good people. And rather than resolving conflict, traditional divorce prolongs conflict, rips families apart, and costs a fortune. I believe there is a better way.
I believe it is better to have total clarity about your options, confidence in your decision-making, the courage to move forward, and the peace of mind knowing you have honored your core values in the process.
Simply put, when you make better choices, you can create a better future.
As a CDC Certified Divorce Coach, with the inside track on divorce, I will support your journey through its ups and downs, its challenges and frustrations, as well as it’s discoveries and breakthroughs, until you come out on the other side with a better future, where you can bring your potential to life.
One of my current clients, shared:
“I didn’t realize I was in over my head when I married someone with bi-polar disorder. Even when things turned violent, I was unable to see reality clearly and I was filled with guilt and shame whenever I thought about divorce. Since my husband was never violent with our two young children, I kept thinking it was my fault, and that as long as he only took things out on me, I could handle it. Life was a merry-go-round of craziness and abuse, followed by denials and then apologies, where members of my community urged me to “hang in there.” One day I ran into the guidance counselor from my high school and I poured my heart out to her and she recommended Hanna. I will always remember the expression on Hanna’s face when I told her about the physical abuse, how people knew about it, but thought it was OK. ‘It’s not OK!!’ she said, shaking her head. It seems like common sense now, but at the time, I needed someone to wake me up. It’s been difficult, but her practical how-to’s, which get me through the day – combined with her sensitivity and insight, as well as her legal knowledge and expertise – saved me and I am finally creating a better life for myself and for my children.”
Some insight into my motivation for becoming a divorce coach:
“As a child of divorce, having gone through a prolonged divorce myself, and having been a divorce lawyer for over 20 years, I am sickened by the horror stories that are the exception rather than the rule. And so I am dedicated to use my experience to make the divorce process better – to empower men and women to navigate this difficult time with clarity, emotional intelligence, and self-care, to re-create relationships in a healthy way, to optimalize choices, and to set the stage for a better future.”
About me:
Hanna Perlberger is the founder of Living Thru Divorce and the managing partner of Perlberger Law Associates, P.C., where she practices Collaborative Family Law and Family Law Mediation. She is certified as a CDC (Certified Divorce Coach), and BCC (Board Certified Life Coach). Hanna also holds a CiPP (Certificate in Positive Psychology), which she earned under the world-renowned Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar at the WholeBeing Institute. Hanna holds additional certifications in Relationship Coaching (Relationship Coaching Institute) and Holistic Wellness Coaching (Institute for Life Coach Training). Hanna is a speaker, a workshop presenter, and writer. Her book, “A Year of Sacred Moments: A Guided Journey in the Art of Inspired Living” (Balboa Press) will be available early 2017.

Hanna is delighted to schedule a no-obligation complimentary Divorce Coaching Session – in person, by telephone or by SKYPE.
855-55 DIVORCE