October is here – and we are getting ready to hold our free training webinars again to share with you a lot of valuable materials from our CDC Certified Divorce Coach® Program.

These webinars are for you if you want to:

  • Get over you fear of being swallowed up by the fire hose of details that the client inundates you with in your introductory meetings. We have an answer to how to handle the firehose with grace and ease.
  • Gain confidence in being able to work with clients going through divorce and see them expand their capacity for developing their own confidence before your very eyes.
  • Pick up one or two specific actions you can take after each webinar to help you to be more effective and to help your client at the same time!
  • Have the courage to reach out to anyone and have a conversation about divorce coaching that doesn’t feel icky.

Sign up for free on this page.
These calls are normally very informal so that you can ask any questions along the way. Our promise is that we will answer every question you ask about the content of the webinar or about divorce caching in general. If we run out of time we will either send you the answer or have a follow-up call.

And it isn’t too early to start thinking about how you want to upgrade your business in 2018. Here is what one of our participants, an attorney-mediator shared with us:

“When I started the new year with resolutions I thought there was something missing in my plan to expand my practice and I needed to find the missing link. I was so glad that during my search I stumbled on the CDC [Certified Divorce Coach] website. And you know I wasn’t sure. But after the first two sessions I knew that this was indeed the missing link I had been looking for. I love the course. I love that we have peers and we can still build relationships when you are not meeting the others face to face. I find that amazing. I also found that for me the tools in the program are very powerful. I have been using them with some clients and I can see a big shift in who they were being at the beginning and how they are now; and it is making a big difference for them.”

At the end of the webinar we will also share with you a little bit about our certification program for working with individuals who are going through rough spots in their divorce. And if you are interested, we will be happy to set up a one-on-one call with you to walk you through the 16 week program and what you can expect to get from it – for yourself or from someone else in your practice. Our next course starts right after the New Year’s Holiday.

In our program we have also just added an early morning (eastern time zone) class because several attorneys, mediators, and financial experts have told us they need to use their early morning hours before work for the class. They asked and we are delivering! Maybe you would like to start your day with a stimulating group of professionals – all committed to changing the experience of divorce for individuals and families.

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