If you are like many of the professionals who pursue the path of divorce coach, you have gotten your experience with divorce through a combination of personal experience, necessity, and a lot of learning by doing!

Leverage experience divorce coaching
Whether you are a family attorney or mediator who has been in the trenches; a mental health professional who finds you practice increasingly focused on the overwhelming impact of divorce on families; or someone who learned some hard lessons about divorce through the school of street learning – you want to be part of a different approach to helping people get through the process of divorce.

Your experience tells you that it is time to change the face of divorce and to find a better way of coming to terms with the end of a marriage and the creation of the next chapter for divorcing adults, children who can get caught in the middles; and extended families who often feel compelled to take sides or withdraw because divorce is too painful to watch without knowing how to help.

By developing the ability to be a good thinking partner and sounding board for either one of the two parties who are divorcing, you can impact the quality of decisions and help them avoid emotionally charged knee-jerk reactions which often prolong the pain of divorce and have a big impact on the cost and duration of the divorce process.

The College for Divorce Coaching® has been training people for over six years to help others in divorce with the thousands of decision, big and small, that someone going through divorce makes every day. Some of these require the guidance of an attorney and many are decisions which impact the quality of everyday life and the future of families.

We are happy to share our comprehensive 6 part program which gives you all of the pieces you need to provide effective and life-changing impact as a personal divorce coach.Classes run for 16 weeks and start in August, January, and May and are held by live webinar to make it accessible to anyone with access to the internet.  Course participants come from as far away as Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand, UK, across Canada, throughout the US and from Central and South America.

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