If you Struggle with Marketing Yourself and Your Practice, This Webinar Will Bring Your Instant Relief and An Easy Way to Make Yourself Visible in Your Community!

36442483_sThis FREE virtual workshop is for YOU if you:
•    Hate the idea of selling yourself and your services – especially when many you meet don’t have any idea what you do as a Divorce Coach!
•    Sweat bullets in meetings where you have to explain what you do to people who are well-established in the field of Divorce.
•    Procrastinate like crazy knowing that you have to call to set up appointments with professionals in the community who seem to control everything related to divorce!
•    Don’t know what to say to people who are experts in what they do for clients who are divorcing and you are afraid of coming across as unprofessional.

When you first meet other professionals from whom you really want to get referrals, you want to push all the RIGHT buttons, in order for them to know immediately whether or not they need your expertise (or want to refer you to someone who does).


Does This Hit the Nail on the Head?

It’s time to share our secret Easy and Natural “Become the Center of Influence” Process© for growing your visibility in the community and cementing your relevance to established attorneys, therapists, and other professionals who work with those going through divorce.

Here is what you will learn when you attend this Free Virtual Webinar:

Getting More Clients for Divorce Coaching
 the Easy and Natural Way
Friday, Sept. 4, 12 noon, EDT

  • get-more-clients240How to avoid having that deer in the headlights feeling when you know you are meeting with a “Very Influential” Attorney or a “Mover and Shaker” in whatever profession you are seeking to connect with.
  • Letting go of the fear of sitting down face to face with anyone!  You will have the 3 key questions to ask them to turn their attention around so they ask you about your business!
  • Keeping your focus in the right place will make it easy and natural for you to connect with a wide range of people who serve the same clients you are trying to attract – and they are really excited to know you exist!
  • How you can leverage all of your relationships in pursuit of the people you HAVE TO connect with.

This has previously been shared only with people who are part of our CDC Certified Divorce Coach® Program – but we want to make it available to you so that you have the confidence in knowing that it will be easy and natural for you to make the kind of connections you need to make to grow your Divorce Coaching practice.

[su_button url=”https://www.eventbrite.com/myevent?eid=18296699922″ style=”soft” background=”#b13f1f” size=”5″ icon=”icon: check” text_shadow=”2px 2px 3px #000000″]REGISTER NOW![/su_button]

If you want a PROVEN SYSTEM that will make it easy for you to work effectively with your divorce clients using coaching skills, we will also share with you the components of what you need to become a sought-after divorce coach.

Our Certified Divorce Coach Program has just started – if you think becoming a divorce coach is for you, then talk with us about squeezing you into this course – our last in 2015!

We welcome your questions.
If you want to schedule an individual appointment to talk with us


Ready to take the next step?
Request a Pre-Enrollment Conversation to reserve your seat in the next program




We look forward to talking with you soon about becoming a Certified Divorce Coach!

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