We see in the headlines every day the terrible hostilities between people, the seeming disregard for human life and the many signs which point to the breakdown of the family and the influence it could have in shaping the ideas and values of the next generation.

Divorce definitely plays a role in this. According to The Unexpected Legacy of Divorce: A 25 Year Landmark Study by Judith Wasserstein, Julia M. Lewis and Sandra Blakeslee., we are creating a culture of divorce which has an impact on children, and even greater impact later when they form their own serious relationships.

The legal system is designed to have a winner and a loser.  In the case of family law, everyone ends up losing especially when children are directly involved.  Even if the children are your adults it can have a significant impact on their attitude toward marriage and the family.

Bringing the transformational power of coaching to these circumstances could contribute to reversing this current situation and reinstate the family as the primary means of instilling values and ethics in our next generation.

For the sake of a better tomorrow, let’s talk about how you could leverage your experience in becoming a divorce coach.

To set up a one-on-one call to address you questions about how you fit into the next Divorce Coaching Intensive, use this online calendar to pick the best day and time for you.

and take advantage of our free training webinars which you can register for on https://certifieddivorcecoach.com/free-webinars/

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