Cruz Edwin Santos, ICF, CDC®, CHCC

CDC Certified Divorce Coach®
Seattle, Washington
Facebook: Cruz Edwin Santos
LinkedinCruz E. Santos

“Coaching is about change and movement toward life transformation.”

Hi/ Hola. My name is Cruz Edwin Santos. I am a Professional Coach member of ICF (International Coach Federation),a Certified Career Coach and a Certified Divorce Coach. I am the Director of Hispanic / Latinx Ministries for the Pacific Northweat Conference of the UMC.  I also help Orgeon and Alaska Conferences as a consultant. I worked for the General Board of Discipleship in Nashville, TN and for the Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church with a focus on Hispanic/Latino Ministries. As staff of the Florida Conference I was an instrumental part of the growth of its Hispanic/Latino Ministries. The number of Hispanic/Latino missions and churches doubled during my time with the Florida Conference. Increasing from 30 to 64. My worked included implementing the Florida Conference Comprehensive Hispanic Plan and increasing the participation of Hispanics/Latinos in conference activities. I am an ordained elder in the Florida Annual Conference. I authored numerous articles and resources in Multiculturalism and Leadership Development. I also leads workshops in the areas of Evangelism, Coaching, Christian Education, National Plan Modules, New Church Development, Church Revitalization, Congregational Mobilization, Pentecost Journey, Partners in the Mighty Works of God and training for consultants and facilitators. I also worked with the Latino/Latina Study Program at Asbury Theological Seminary in Orlando Florida teaching Counseling and Group Therapy Classes.

We partner with clients in a thought provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. The benefits of the coaching process are many. It entails discovery, expanding the possibilities, establishing a action plan, and exploring calculated risk taking while establishing a strong support and accountability.

We offer services in English and Spanish
Ofrecemos los servicios en Espanol e Ingles

As a Coach I will help you to:

  • Improve communication with family, friends, and co-workers.
  • Gain support from new resources.
  • Increase self esteem by recommitment of your lifestyle.
  • Eliminate issues that disrupt your personal and professional life.
  • Adopt changes that will increase a positive mindset.

Please follow this link to print a copy of my brochure.

I will be more than happy to schedule a free 30 Minutes Coaching Session for you. I can offer the services face to face in the Central Washington area; and by telephone or Zoom from others locations.


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