The CDC Certified Divorce Coach Program is celebrating it’s 5th year of classes this fall, beating the odds of success for many small businesses.  There are many factors that have contributed to our being able to beat the odds:

1.  Randy and I were unstoppable in our belief that there were other people like us who wanted to change the experience of divorce for individuals and families going through the process!  Those people include the over 250 inspired learners who have gone through our program or will be completing the program this coming December.

2.  We gathered some very talented professionals to help us differentiate the role of other divorce professionals from that of personal divorce coach:

  • Harvey Hyman JD who was our corporate attorney and developed our framework for the Unauthorized Practice of Law.
  • Maida Farrar, JD, CDC®, a graduate of our program who continues to develop our framework for helping divorce coaches understand there the boundaries are between divorce coaching and giving legal advice.
  • Tonya Quillen, MA, LMHC, TEP and Executive Coach who clarifies the boundaries between divorce coaching and therapy;
  • Wendy Coughlin, Ph.D. , LMHC, Supreme Court of Florida Certified Family Mediator and Qualified Parenting Coordinator shares her insights and deep knowledge of how to best coach parents to support their children throughout the divorce process, recognizing the need to approach children differently based on developmental stage;
  • Randy Cooper, CFP®, CDFA, CDC® and Supreme Court of Florida Certified Family Mediator shares his perspective on how to work with finance professionals and mediators – where the boundaries are between divorce coaches and mediation or giving financial advice.

3.  We wanted to deliver far more value that was expected.  Many said that we need to rename this “The Divorce Coaching Intensive” because of the incredible value they get in every call every week for 16 weeks.  And the calls aren’t the only part of the program that brings value –

  • The Art and the Science of Divorce Coaching: We provide the Divorce Coaching Competencies and the observable behaviors that each coach should be exhibiting in any divorce coaching session. The competencies focus on two aspects of coaching: the Art or who you are being and the Science – how you manage the session process.
  • A Mentor to help you get your feet under you in using these divorce coaching competencies for 6 weeks – each week focusing on a different aspect of the science and the art of divorce coaching.
  • Pre-work and Field work each week to cement in the learning and to start community and referral resources you will need for your coaching practice.
  • In-class Coaching and Debriefing to practice the Divorce Coaching Competencies and to have a Mentoring Moment to explore questions and alternative ways of addressing coaching challenges.
  • Peer Coaching for the final four weeks of the course where your calls with an assigned Coach or Client from the participants in the program plus one person assigned to review your recordings and to provide positive feedback about where you are exhibiting a good understanding of the divorce coaching competencies.
  • A Weekly Reflection Log to document your practicing of the Standards of Presence, reflecting how these are impacting your ability as a divorce coach as well as other parts of your personal and professional life.
  • And a printed 3-ring binder which you can use as a Desk Reference for years to come.  It contains the 32 modules of the program including materials you can use royalty free to build content for your own clients in coaching programs or coaching webinars or group coaching.

4.  We stand by the 4 Cornerstones of our program:
4cornerstonespurpA Professional Standard: Models and best practices, ethics, and professional boundaries.
Personal Excellence: Integrity, presence, and ongoing growth and development.
Foundation of Trust: Building relationships, the discovery process, trusting the process, and taking the high road.
Generosity of Spirit:  Delivering more than you expect, royalty-free materials, strategy consultations, celebrating success.

Thank You

Thank you to the 250+ participants we have had in our programs over the past 5 years.
Thank you to the graduates who selflessly volunteer as Mentors and as supporting drivers in the Mentor and Peer Coaching Program.
Thank you to the people who have generously reviewed our two books: Divorce: Overcome the Overwhelm and Avoid the Six Biggest Mistakes and Divorce: Taking the High Road.
And thank you to the almost 100 CDC Certified Divorce Coaches® that take their great work to those struggling with divorce with their commitment to change the face of divorce for individuals and families.

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