CDC Certified Divorce Coach ®
Pennington, NJ
Phone : (609) 281-7014
Email :
People with big lives at work, home, and in their communities can’t afford to allow upset interfere and overwhelm them, especially when life delivers divorce, a drastic life-change, or health crisis.
Even on a good day, life is rarely a road traveled without curves. Even when the road is straight we are often surprised when life throws us off balance. This is most especially a surprise when it feels like we have our careers (mostly) handled.
Whatever the curve, dip or lane-change might be and whether it is by choice or it is by chance, all humans get stuck, overwhelmed, and can stop functioning at home and at work. Powerful, productive, and intelligent people are not immune. – You are not immune.
Have these thoughts ricocheted through your mind?
“I’m a smart person, how did I not see that coming?”
“I have life setup perfectly, should I REALLY be considering this (divorce, job change . . .) right now? – I don’t have time for this!”
“I thought life was going to get easier after everything was settled . . .”
Through Clarity Works Coaching, Anita-Marie helps people living big lives clear the haze that upsets can bring. Through the coaching process, clients learn to enhance their life skills and overcome their crisis to create a clear vision for their lives.
Our coaching-style is positive, supportive, and insures you can focus on producing the big results you are accustomed to achieving.
As our client, you reclaim your ability to take life head-on, take the lead at work, and sort out new directions while taking actions that bring relief to you right-now.
Clarity Works empowers you to recover your voice and know that you have a choice in what’s next.
About Anita Marie:
Anita-Marie is a tenacious executive with tested entrepreneur experience and robust business experience in operations and sales management. She leverages this experience as a consultant and coach for businesses and leaders in transition.
Anita delivers coaching, strategic consulting in a direct and compassionate style that empowers individuals & organizations to gain clarity and recommit to transforming their leadership, their business, and their lives while taking on powerfully a life-in-transition.

Clarity Works
empowering you to recover your voice & to know you have a choice in what’s next: a future you love!
Anita-Marie is delighted to schedule a no-obligation complementary Divorce Coaching Session with you. In this session you will get a good understanding of how working together can help you. Coaching sessions can be done via phone or Skype.