Just as the 1990s brought the rise of life coaches, the new millennium is the age of the divorce coach.
Geoff Williams, Reuters Sept 2012


When Geoff Williams wrote the Reuters article “YOUR MONEY-What can a divorce coach do for you?”
he interviewed number of sources including divorce clients, attorneys, and divorce coaches. Here is what one attorney said about divorce coaches:

“I love them, and if I had my way, I’d never work without them,” says Brigitte Bell, a Chicago divorce attorney. “They help manage the clients and support them by bringing a different set of skills to the divorce process than we do.”  And the most common response you get from those who learn about divorce coaching is “I wish I had had one of those during my divorce!”

The next Divorce Coach® Program starts August 31, 2015, and we are offering a free webinar series to introduce you to the profession of Personal Divorce Coaching.

In the upcoming webinar, Leveraging Your Expertise to Become a Divorce Coach, you will learn:

  • The most compelling Coaching Access Points where people going through divorce need your support
  • How to help you client even before they have decided to divorce
  • The dynamics which help your client save money in the process
  • To leverage your deep knowledge and desire to “do good”; and
  • To add an additional stream of income to your practice

Click to signup:

We’ll answer any questions you have about any aspect of Divorce Coaching or any aspect of becoming a Divorce Coach. And we will make it a valuable experience so you can take the information from here and use it tomorrow.

We welcome your questions.
If you want to schedule an individual appointment to talk with us


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Request a Pre-Enrollment Conversation to reserve your seat in the next program




We look forward to talking with you soon about becoming a Certified Divorce Coach!

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