Divorce often shifts our focus outward—on the actions or inactions of our partner. However, in coaching, the spotlight turns inward. Clients learn to focus on their own actions, as these are the only elements they can truly control. By shifting their mindset, they can transform their emotions, and ultimately, their lives.
The Need for Credible Divorce Clients
Attorneys thrive when working with credible divorce clients—individuals who engage with the business of divorce rather than the emotional story of it. These clients ask pertinent questions, communicate effectively, and maintain realistic expectations about the legal process. They understand that divorce is judicially centered, not client-centered, and they respond promptly to requests for information, ensuring the process progresses smoothly.
Unfortunately, divorce often becomes an emotional quagmire, where logic, reason, and common sense give way to bitterness and resentment. Clients entangled in their divorce “story” can struggle to move forward, even when it’s in their best interest. For clients overwhelmed by both the emotional toll and the procedural complexities of divorce, attorneys may find it beneficial to refer them to a CDC Certified Divorce Coach®.
Signs a Divorce Coach Can Help
Here are some indicators that a client might benefit from working with a CDC Certified Divorce Coach®:
- They are fixated on a single solution and unwilling to explore alternatives.
- They struggle to see perspectives beyond their own.
- They hold unrealistic expectations—whether overly optimistic or pessimistic—about post-divorce outcomes, shaping an unproductive approach to settlement.
- They are consumed by emotional distress and act impulsively, whether by capitulating entirely or pursuing revenge at any cost.
- They lose sight of their children’s best interests, using them as leverage rather than prioritizing their welfare.
How Divorce Coaching Makes a Difference
Divorce coaching empowers clients to reflect on how they interpret information and make decisions. Coaches guide them in exploring alternative solutions and adjusting their perspectives. According to the American Bar Association, divorce coaching is “a flexible, goal-oriented process designed to support, motivate, and guide people going through divorce to help them make the best possible decisions for their future, based on their particular interests, needs, and concerns.”
Certified Divorce Coaches are trained to assist even in the most challenging circumstances. They help clients reconnect with their strengths, align with their values, and make decisions that reflect their unique needs and goals.
This process not only transforms clients but also makes them more effective partners for their attorneys. A well-coached client is clear-minded, communicative, and realistic. They ask relevant questions, consider various options, and actively participate in the legal process as thoughtful collaborators, leaving behind the emotional “story” of divorce.
A divorce coach doesn’t advocate for divorce. In fact, many CDC Certified Divorce Coaches® support clients who are still deciding whether divorce is the right path. A divorce coach helps their client keep their eyes wide open to the impact that divorce will have on every aspect of their life, enabling them to make informed decisions with a clear understanding of potential trade-offs and consequences.
A Fulfilling Career Path
Becoming a divorce coach is a deeply rewarding career for those passionate about supporting others through one of life’s most challenging transitions. If your goal is to help people navigate divorce with clarity, confidence, and purpose, becoming a CDC Certified Divorce Coach® could be your calling. CDC Certified Divorce Coach® invites you to deepen your understanding of what divorce coaching is and how the practical application of coaching techniques impacts the clients experience of the roller-coaster of emotion, many areas of change, and a legal process, all at the same time!
A CDC® Certified Divorce Coach is someone the client can talk to about making decisions, getting organized, finding the experts they need, and being the best parent they can be through the process, plus helping the client with any of the other rough spots they encounter along the way. A divorce coach listens to what is important to their client and asks questions to help them gain the confidence and courage to go the distance and be proud of how they dealt with such a difficult situation. Discover what tools are available in the Certified Divorce Coach® Training to help clients transform the impossible to the possible.
Explore more about this fulfilling profession by visiting the CDC website: Certified Divorce Coach. You can also schedule a one-on-one consultation with a co-founder of the Divorce Coaching Intensive to discuss how this career path can meet your professional and personal goals.
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If you’re considering becoming a CDC® Certified Divorce Coach, you should attend our free 6-part Masterclass Sessions for those who would like to explore more about how divorce coaching plays out in real life.
Find out more information and reserve your spot here:
Explore what becoming a CDC® Certified Divorce Coach could mean to you by looking at the information on the website.
Then set up a one-on-one call with one of the co-founders of the Divorce Coaching Intensive to have all your questions answered. We are happy to help you sort out whether this choice is likely to help you meet your professional and personal repurposing needs.
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