If You Struggle with Staying Motivated with What You Are Doing, This Webinar Will Show You How To Leverage Your Experience and Create An Immensely Satisfying Way to Serve Divorcing Clients in a Different Way!

43530282_sThis FREE virtual workshop is for YOU if you:
•    Feel wrung out and want a change.
•    Want more flexibility in what you offer clients in your practice.
•    Want to get more clients in your practice.
•    Are committed to helping people find a better way of going through divorce.
•    See yourself as the go to person for supporting clients in divorce.
•    Have paid your dues – have the education and experience and now you want to enjoy your work!

You want to feel as though the work you are doing really makes a difference to those who are in the most need for a thinking partner and a champion who has their back during the challenging time of divorce. Maybe you have just the right experience to lighten their burden – but don’t have the confidence that you can make your vision a reality!

Does This Hit the Nail on the Head?

You will love our approach to helping the divorcing individual at any of the 12 + critical moments when they are likely to long for what you offer.
Here is what you will in this virtual Webinar:

Leveraging Your Expertise to Integrate Divorce Coaching into Your Practice
on Tuesday, Sept. 1, 8:00 pm ET

interview_2584265-655x280This FREE virtual seminar is for YOU if you want to:
• Understand 6 of the biggest reasons that drive people to seek help in divorce
• Recognize the 12+ most compelling Coaching Access Points where people going through divorce need your support
• See the potential business value for you and your practice.
• Understand the dynamics which help your client become a better client for others and save money in the process –

This has previously been shared only with people who are part of our CDC Certified Divorce Coach® Program – but we want to make it available to you so that you have the confidence in knowing that you can leverage your hard-earned experience to add the divorce coaching skills to your practice or to create a divorce coaching practice.
[su_button url=”https://www.eventbrite.com/e/leveraging-your-expertise-to-become-a-divorce-coach-sept-1-tickets-18296571538″ style=”soft” background=”#b13f1f” size=”5″ icon=”icon: check” text_shadow=”2px 2px 3px #000000″]REGISTER NOW![/su_button]

If you want a PROVEN SYSTEM that will make it easy for you to work effectively with your divorce clients using coaching skills, we will also share with you the components of what you need to become a sought-after divorce coach.

Our Certified Divorce Coach Program has just started – if you think becoming a divorce coach is for you, then talk with us about squeezing you into this course – our last in 2015!

We welcome your questions.
If you want to schedule an individual appointment to talk with us


Ready to take the next step?
Request a Pre-Enrollment Conversation to reserve your seat in the next program




We look forward to talking with you soon about becoming a Certified Divorce Coach!

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